-... 173
- 209
................ 244 | Vikramacbőlapandiya-puram = Ålor .......... 146 tutenague = spelter ..........
.......... 223 n. Vikramarka, a story of the throne of .........304 f. tycal = tickal.................. .............. 204, 253 Vikramarka, a story of.............
.......... 306 Dikrita = S. 1478 expired ..............
..... 331
Vimalâvati, a folktale about Lake........ u in Omn represents sapna ...........
Vinnagar Ajvar of Puravari, a god ........... 142 Uchchala of Lohara, the Pretender and
Vira-Ballkļa, the Hoysala, a date of, noted...330 f. Usurper ............................................... 227 Virëda, a Brahman, a hero of the Vanavisi Ulla Khân, 4 nickname of Alinkedin ......... 195 Legend .........
.............. 34 umbrella, the religious element in the...... 130 ff. Virapeksha of Vijayanagara, a date of, umbrella, a survival of solar-worship, 131:
noted ..........................
..................331 f. a spirit home, 129f; as a spirit-scarer ...129 f. viss, the Burmese weight, 203 : = pékba, unmilani, the twelfth tithi .......................... 178 320 n.; = vissa 320 n.:- of gold in 1658 updsand, the term explained .................... 173 A. D., 234; of silver as a statement of Utkarsha of Kasmir and Lohara................ 226 f. value ..................................................... 203 uttartiyana sankranti ............................... 331 vissa = viss ..............................................320 n. Uttara-Bhadrapadá nakshatra mentioned ... 331 visna of atman, the term explained ............ 170
Vöriradraka = Baródra .............
...... 40
vyaya =$. 1448 expired ........................... 330 Vagh@las of Gujarat, a Jaina account of the end of the..............
..................194 ff. Vijayanti = Vanavisi.........
Wakha, an epidemic spirit ....................... 249 Vaishnava tithi ......................................... 330 water-spirits ...............
............... 293 1. odišnu, the meaning of............................. 170 weekboomen = candareen ......................... 311 Vajasaneya Upanishad .......................... 213 weight, its value where there is a lump or valuation of property in Burma in pre-cur. bullion currency, 203 ; money reckoned by, rency days ............................
207; valuation of money by, 204 ff.; Vanavani, a note on the history of ............78 f.
valuation by, in Burma in 1476 A. D., 210 ; Vanavasi-Mahatmya, the, translated......... 33 ff. money paid by, in Burma in 1782, 204 : Vanik&våśa = Van = Ban..................... 228 f.
'weight' synonymous with 'money,' 206; vañjult, the twelfth tithi .............................. 178 = money in the Jatakas, 234 ; paying Varadi, efficacy of bathing in the ................... 76 fines by, 206 : weight of silver as a stateVåraham la = Bårsmall.....
......... 227
ment of price, 207; - basketfuls' of Varak ka! Temple, its dedication, 342 and n. :
rapees, 206 ;- bushels' of rupees, 206; - - a note on a festival at the .................. 342 a'mule-load' of money (gold and silver)... 207 parshut = 'year' frequently in Saka Dates... 153 weigh te, Oriental bullion, system of enquiry Vasanthayaji, a Brahman of Sriramapura on
into, explained, 313 f. ; vastness of subject, the Timraparņi, a hero of folktales ......138.f.
313 : -- Burmese, discussed in detail, 318; Vôdênêrayanapura, name of a village in a authorities on, 323 ff.: Hiram Cox on, 328; folktale..........................................
Crawfurd on, 326 f.; Alexander Hamilton Véhichcha, a former name for the Khåri
on, 327 ; standard, Latter's list, 319; Malcom River ................................................ 40 on, 327; Stevens, 1775, on, 328; Symes on, Vêjayanti - Vanavasi .............................. 78 328; Wilson on, 328 f.:-Burmese scale can Vêtål, an earth-spirit .......... ......... 277 ff.
be stated in terms of Indian scale, 325; has Vigraha, a king mentioned in an inscription same origin as Indian scale, 325; denomiin the Harsha Era ...
............. 29
nations, Burmese, concurrent systems of, Vigraharaja of Lohara, nephew of Didda...... 226 320 ff. ; applied to Anglo-Indian money, Vija (Lightning), an air-spirit .................. 249 320 :- current standards in Burma, have Dijaya = S. 1396, 332; = S. 1456 current, always differed, 319 :-quaternary scale
332: - mistaken for vikrama .................. 332 of mů explained, 320; decimal scale of mu vijaya, the seventh tithi of bright half, 178; explained, 320 :-- Indian scale can be stated the eleventh tithi ...........
......... 178 in terms of Burmese scale, 325; has game Vijayanagara, kings of, date in Saka Era... origin As Burmese scale, 325:- ancient
148, 330 ff. standard in India, of gold, 318; of silver, Vijaye vara = Vijabror = Bijbihara ......... 228 318; of copper........ vikram a mistaken for vijaya ....................... 332
......................... 318
wife, testing the, in folktales ..................... 339 Vikrania Era Dates from Palm-leaf MSS. ... 1 Wilson on Burmese weights .................... 328