.... 255
239 242
takal = tickal................ ...................... 255 takel = tickal...........
256 takku = taka ....................
240 takyap = tickal ....................................... 255 takyat = tickal ......... tali, a string of cash .........
280 talisman, carried on the head, a folktale
about a ............................................... 167 f. tally-sticks among the Nicobarese............... 217 tamas, the meaning of ....... ............... 170 tamatkè silver
207 tamga = tanka ..............
237 tring = tanka ..............
240 tanga = ţarka ............
236 tangga = tanka .....................................
241 tanghe = tanka ............ tingkıt = tanka ........ tango = anika .....................................
240 tangua = tanka ..................................... 238 tangue = taula ............
............... 239 tank, a version of the tale of the tank that
won't fill ......... tank = dana......... a = (anika ........... tanka, history of the modern forms of,
235 ff.:-the origin of both tickal and dinga, 235:- oonfounded with danaq, 235; with thok ...........
.............. 235 tankam = tanka ...... tankha = tarika .................
............. 241 tanki = taika ...............
............... 299 tarega, the term explained, 199: the history
of the word ........................................199 f. tattooing, origin of, 126:-root-object is to
secure luck, 128:- not originally ornamental, 128 :- general object a spirit-home,
129; as a spirit-soarer, 196:- antiquity of.. 127 tchanka = tanka...................... ................ 241 tea-bricks as an article of barter..............285 f. tears turning into rubies, in folktales ......... 108 tecale = tickal ........
........... 253 tecali = tickal ......
............... 253 tocul = tiokal .............................. 245 n., 253 tokull tickal ........................................ 245 n. tenga = tanla ........................................ 244 tengkd = ţarka ....................................... 243 tingkaro =dinga (dingddò)
235 tenka = tanka....
237 thieves, testing the intelligence in folktales... 136 thôk confounded with taka .......................... 235 threads, as spirit-scarer ............................... 129 tical tickal........................................... tiokal is the standard fiscal weight, 235:- of
silver, the, the standard of value, 210 : confusion as to the value of, 809: - valuation of money and property in, 204 ff.; super
seded by the rupee in places in 1826, 206 ; =kyat, 320: - derivation of, 235 ff. derived through Talaing kè, hiki, h'ko, 245; from tanka through taka, 235: - and dingd are both descendants of tarika, 235 :
--- history of the word, 253 ff. :-pronunciat ion of, 245:- the final l in, discussed...... 235 tikal = tickal ......................................... 254 time, mode of reckoning, among the Nicobarese..............
................ 273 f. Tirukkurunkadi = Kurunkkudi in Tinne
velly .................................................. 142 Tirukudi Srinivasa Rêvu, a date of, noted ... 332 tithi - vaishnavi, noted .................333 and n. tithis, a list of the, 178 ff.:-on festal days,
the fourth, 178; the seventh, 178; the eighth, 178; the eleventh, 178; the twelfth, 178; eight kinds of the twelfth, 178; the
fifteenth ........................................... 178 t'ké = tickal .............................. ..... 256 tôk = thok ............................................ 235 tokd = taka ...............
............ 240 tokens, irregular, as currency, explained,
157:-notes on the Andaman, 192 ff.; card, in the Andamans, 193; copper, in the
Andamans ............................................. 193 Tosamaidän Pass in Kaśnir ...................... 226 transliteration, Burmese, explained ......... 321 f. Trant's Two Years in Ava described............ 41 trees, gold, as an article of barter, 289 f. ;
Bilver, as an article of barter....................289 f. trikóką, the term explained ...................... 170 trisparba, the twelfth tithi ........................ 178 tsakai = sitke ..............
258 tseekay = sitke ..................................... treetkai s itko ...................................... tseitké = sitke............... tsekkai =sitke ............
257 tsekké = sitke ............................. tsetkay sitke........... tsikal = sitke ............................. tsikee = sitke .......... tsitkai sitke............... tsitkay =sitke tsjontajii = tajontejo ................. ........ tsjontejo = abrus precatorius seed............. 316 ttanga'h = tarka .......... tual = tickal .................................... 253, 328 tubbee explained........................................ 328 tucka = taka ...........
***............ 256 tula, a weight of silver, 209:- a note on Mr.
J. G. Scott's use of the term................... 325 f. tuld-(vishuva)-sankranti ......
331 tunga = tanka.............. Tungaveluku, heroine of a folktale ........... 165 tunika =ţanka .....
***... 242
.... 241