drunkenness-origin of ceremonial, 94 f. :among the early tribes of the Central Provinces...................................!!!****
................ 95 dubbeltje, the coin ..................................335 f. dung as a cure, in folktales ...................... 134 Durbuddhi, a folktale hero .......................... 55 Durdama, the fisherman, a hero of Vanavasi.. 75 Durga as a tutelary goddess ..................... 224 Durgatha, a Brahman hero of folktales ...... 138 Durnaya = Durdama .................................. 77 Dwijakirtti, 'king of Cholamandala'........... 109
Gödra, the name discussed ........................ gold, a 'pinch' of, in 1556 A. D. ......... gondjo = adenanthera paronina seed ........ gonho cabeça preta = gondjo ...................... 317 gonzo chapete = goudjo............ ............... 317 Gôvattana identified with the modern Kötna ............
to.............. 39 Gördhan, the day after the Diwali............... 308 Grammar, Kasmiri, notes on ..................188 ff, Gúga, Guru, as a snake god ..................... 84 gunja = ratí ............................................ 314 Guttas of Guttal, date in Saka Era ...........
carthenware as an article of barter ......... 288 carth-spirits, list of the best known .........277 ff. eclipses visible in Southern India noted in
dates ........ .. ékádabis in dates ............. ékakóba, the term explained...................... 170 Era, Saka, discussed at length, 146 ff.:
nomenclature of, discussed at length, 148 ff. : - locality of, discussed, 146 ff.;
territorial spread of, 148:--dates of the, 329 ff. Eras, Kollam, discussed, 113 ff.; Saptar.
sbi, discussed, 118; Sastrasamvatsara =
Saptarshi, 118; Travancore, the three...... 113 f. Erunda Muni, a folk-hero ........................... 25 Exchange, general notes on the variation of,
in Far East, 309: - mistakes as to calculating, in books, 309: - note on ancient ratios of, 311:- between silver and gold in XII, XIII, XIV Centuries A. D., 309; up to XVII Century A.D. in the East, 309 f. ; in Cochin-China, S10; in Chinese Shan States, 310; in Siam, 310; definite rates of, in Burma, 310:- between silver and lead in Burma, 310 f. : -between silver and tin in Southern Burma ......... ................ 311
Hadal, a water-spirit............................... Haimantaka, a folk-hero ...................... Hamilton, Alexander, on Burmese weights ... 327 hanging as a punishment in folktales ......... 105 Harihara II. of Vijayanagara, a date of,
noted ..................................................... 331 Harsha of Kasmir ........................................... 927 Harsba Era, Dates of the..................... 29 ff. Hedali = Hadal
..... 293 Hinda titles for Musalmans, instances of ... 224 hinong = bark cloth............................... 265 Holy Stones ............................................... Hopkinson, Col., of the First Burmese War,
notes on ............ Hoysaļas, dates of the, noted, 330 .: - of
Dôrasa-mudra, date in Saka Era ......... 147 hridi ayan, the term explained .................. Hunda, the Pulinda hunter, a hero of the
Vanavasi Legend .......... Hushkapura = Ushkür ......
fate, part played by, in folktales ............... 138feathers, use of, in folktales
107 fettees = pitis .......................
328 Fire-legend, the Andaman, 14 ff.; its likeness
to the Prometheus Legend........................ 16 Fire-spirits ...............................
............ 246
.... Folktales in the Central Provinces, 54, 104 ff.,
133, 165 ff., 195 f., 280:- in Southern India, 81 f.; in Salsette .................... 337 ff.
Ide Ide Malacco = abrus precatorins ........ Ilias (Mehtar), bis connection with Lal Beg... 83 Indian liquorice = abrus precatorius seed ... 814 Indische Palæographie, Bühler's, noticed ... 336 indriya, the meaning of ............................ 170 Indumukhi, a courtesan of the Vijayanagar
Court ............................ .................. 20 inscriptions, their value to history, 57; valne of the Asoka, 57:- Travancore, a note
..113 ff. Inscriptions, edited :
in the Harsha-Sarvat from the Pañjáb... 29 f. Khajuraho of Harsba-Samvat............... 30 f. Kottar, 392 M. E. ..............................148 ff. Köttar, 392 M. E., dated in the reign of
Sri-Vira-Raman Keralavarman ......... 145 Köttår, 396 M. E................................145 f. Köttår, 396 M. E., dated in the reign of
Sri-Vira-Raman Keralavarman ......... 146 Pañjaur of Harsha-Samvat ................ 29 Puruvari, 335 M. E. ....................... 141 f. Puruvari, 335 M. E., dated in the reign of Vira-Rarivarman ..........
............ 143
Gana Vidya Saljivini, a modern Treatise on
Hindu Music, noticed ............................ 56 qandal = gandd .................................... 245 n. Gangas, Eastern, of Kalinganagara, date in
Saka Era, 147:- Western, dates in S&ka Era, 147, 330 : -- of Gangavadi = Western
Gangus ................................................ 147 God, the secret' names of .................. 214 Gödbrå = Gôdra .........
****......... 401