.. 139
.... 18
ion = yöngdò .................. ............ 259 Keśava Bhat, the hero of a South-Indian iron, ingots, as an article of barter............ 288 f. Folktale .........................
.................. 18 f. iron-ware as an article of barter ............... 288 f. kêtaki flower, the story of the, at Vanavasi... 71 Isara Ballal, a hero of the Pafijurli Legend ... 3 Khårf River, name discussed .................... 40 Isukathakkidigâdu of Yachavára, a hero of King Charles' Tears = abrus precatorinis folktales ......... .........
seed ...... ...*****
. .***** ***
.................. 314 n. isvara = S. 899 expired, 330: = $. 1319 ...... 331 KishmAksha, the father of Suda.................. 72
Kochchi = Cochin, has the same root as jagrat, the term explained ...
Korkai and Kollam, 114: = Kolachcbai ... 115 Jakhải = Jökhái, an earth-spirit .............. 279 kol = royal town, 115:- in Kollam, Korkai Járawa, the name of Andaman Tribe - its (kol + kai) and Kochchi = Kolachchai, probable origin .......................
means seaport, harbour ............... Jarimari, an epidemic spirit......................... 249 kollam, various explanations of the word, jars, glass, as an article of barter ........... 287 f. 115f.; a territorial term, 114:- = KoJavan dates in the Saka Era .................... 148 lamba, 115:- has the same root 48 jaya, the twelfth tithi .............................. 178 Kocbehi = Cochin, 114 ; as Korkai ......... 114 Jaya and Vijaya, the watchmen guarding Kollam Era, a note on, 113 :: explained,
the god Narayana ............ ................ 47 114 ff. : the event it is intended to comJayachchandra, a story of ....................... 111 memorate discussed.................................116 f. JAyasratha of Panchala, a folktale about...... 137 kondorim candareen ................................ 316 jayanti, the twelfth tithi ............................... 178
*Kondori-batang = adonanthera pavonina seed. 316 Jayant, a former name for Vanavasi.........33, 78 korava, a birth custom in Malabar ............ 84 Jayantipura = Vanavasi ............................ 79 Korkai, the oldest known capital of the Jayasimha of Kaśmir ........
................. 278
Pandyas, 114: = kol + kai, 114: has the jettons used as currency ........................... 157 same root as Kochchi = Cochin, 114; as Job's Tears == seed of coix lacryma .........314 n. Kollam .................................................. 114 Joki Jakhai ....................................... 279 Kottar, names for, 146 1.: Chola-KeralaJudson, an authority on Burmese weights... 323 f. puram, 144: Mummadi-Chojanallar...... 142
krishnala =rati................. ................ 314 Kadambas of Hingal, date in Saka Era ...... 147 Krishnarija of Maisar, a date of, noted ...... 333 Kåfri, an earth-spirit............................ 279 Křishnaraya of Vijayanagara, a date of, Kaitabha, son of Suda ............................. noted ............... ............... 330, 332 f. Kaitabhêśvara = Kaitabha ................... 75 Kshatrapas, the Western, their terms for Kakatiyas of Worangal, date in Saka Era ... 147 year' ............. KAla-Bhairav = Bhairóba ......................... 278 Kshēmagupta of Kaśmir, his marriage with Kalachuryas of Kalyana, date in Saka Era ... 146 Didda
.............. 226 kilayukta = $. 1420 expired ................... 330 Kshitirája, son of Vigraharaja of Lohara ... 226 Kálênaka = Kuliyan........................... 228 £. Kulárjak of Albêrdni = Tatakati ............ 229 f. Kali, a storm goddess ........................... 248 Kumudra, a sacred stream in the Dharwar Kali Era, a note on the use of, in Travancore 113 f. District .................
............ 71 Kalinga, the King of, in folktales ............. 28 Kumbhanda, a Pulinda .... Kalyanapura, in folktales......
***......... 27
Kuntibhoja, 'King of Anantapur ................ Kandalêr in folktales representa Rajpatana... 25 n. Kurunkudi = Tirukkurunkudi in TinneKanthirava Narasaraja of Maisûr, a date of, velly ................................. ........ 142
noted .............................. .................. 333 Kuthuveluku, heroine of a folktale ............ 165 Kannadêva = Karna II............. ............... 195 kyat, a Burmese weight, 319:= tickal, 320; Karaga, a hero of the Paljurli Legend ...... 63 = rupee, 321: table of ordinary bazar karanas in inscriptions .......
333 expressions for parts of the ................ 321 Karkotadranga = Drang ... Karpataka, hero of a folktale ............... Kasadraha = Kasandra ...............
land n, initial............................................ 342 Kasandra, the name discussed .............. 40 Lahůr of Albêruni is Lohara ............... Kaśmir, ancient topography of ................ 225 Lal Beg, etymology of ..................... Kathay Salones = Selungs .....
86 ! Idlan, the term explained...................... Kattil Subhâdâr, see Subhadar of the Cot ... 20 land measurement system of Tanjore er. Kaumudi, a former name for Vanavåsi .......33, 78 plained ..............
................. 143 kaviraj, as a Musalman title ..................... 28 | Latter, an authority on Burmese weights...319 ff.
**..... 153
... 107