JULY, 1892.)
11 737 ruraya: *[:] wrga *#21 [2x* ) arin u graafq[-2]qr/97 37 9 a aqoothan : 7649ZIT: [1] Fr ar
12 लम् गणपतिनृपतेश्शासनं संव्यधत्त श्रीमत्सामन्तभोजो गणपतिसचिवो दोचितुग्धाब्धिचन्द्रः ॥ [१५ *] देवस्वैकाम्रधानो बहुमहिमसपऱ्यावसुन्याससिद्धचे ग्रामन्नाना कळनूरिति भु.
13 वि विदितं सस्यहृद्यनिवेद्य [*] काझ्यामाकल्पकालं गणपतिनृपतेश्शासनं संव्यत्ति श्रीमत्सामन्तभोजो गणपतिसचिवो दोचिदुग्धाब्धिचन्द्रः।। [१६ *] शाकाब्रे तु विसप्तत्यधिकशिवशतख्यातसंख्यानमाने सौम्याब्दे
14.38 HÊ Mekara i afg [1] # A* taggage 30 BUY श्रीमन्सामन्तभोजो गणपतिसचिवो दोचिदुग्धाब्धिचन्द्रः ॥ [१०.]
Hail ! Prosperity! Verse 1. This (is) an edict (sisana) of king Ganapati, which adorns the heads of (i. e, which is obeyed by) all kings, and which shall endure as long as the moon and the sun.
2. Let the power (Ganesa) which has the face of a ratting elephant, and which has sucked the breast of (Parvati) the daughter of the mountain, whose milk was tasted by no other, - produce happiness!
3. Let that boar (Vishnu) who is the consort of (Lakshmi) that dwells in the lotus, and on whose big enout, as on a boat, the earth crosses the great ocean (at the end of each yuga, - produce complete welfare !
4. Let thnt sickle of the moon on the head of 'Siva, which Uma, sporting in the water of the (Ganga) river that adorns the head (of Siva), touches, (exclaiming : “Here is) a boat of pearls !" - procure you everlasting bliss !
5. From the eye of (Niva) who is the abode of the greatness (which is reachel) at the end of the path that is to be known from the Sáman, Rich and Yajus (Vedas)," and who combines the power of the thirty-three crores of gods, - was produced that god (vis. the Sun), who is the friend of the lotus plant, and who dispels intensely deep darkness without and egotism within (the mind).
6. From him was born Manu, the first of kings and master of expedients, who produced (a treatise on) right conduct, which supplies a handy lamp to men who are apt to stumble on the wrong path.
7. After him, Sagara, the lord Bhagiratha, Raghy, Rama and other (kings) of his race, who were hard to be overcome by approaching dangers, ruled the earth in the course of a long period of time.
8. In this race of warriors, 62 whose arms were respeoted, was born the renowned king Betmaraja, whom people, when they saw him on his horse (called) Garuda, took for the first rider on Garuda (i. e. for Vishņu) appearing visibly.
9. Then the earth was enjoyed by king Prodar&ja, who covered the horizon with clouds, (viz.) the ratting elephants offered (as presents) by his conquered) enemies, and who constructed a tank (tatáka) (which he called) by (his) name Jagatikësarin' (i. e. the lion of the earth), which equalled the oceans, and which accumulated the downpour of water.
37 The first of grasrois entered below the line.
* Read 08. 5. The syllable is entered below the line. 40 Siva is here identified with the universal soul of the Védánta philosophy. 11 Literally, the limit, as it were, of expedients.'
• The Kahatriyas are onlled bahuja,'arm-born,' because they are supposed to have been produced from Brahma's arme.
*) In this compound, as in KAlidAss and other names, the final of the first member (jagat) is shortened in accordance with Panini, vi, 3, 63. The synonymous biruda Avanisimha occurs in yerse 20 of an unpublished Pallars grant from Kadakadi.