[JULY, 1892.
10. After him, this race was adorned by Rudradeva, who put to flight exalted kings by the attack of horses which rivalled the wind in swiftness, and the proud splendour of whose feet was reflected, as by mirrors, by the multitude of the diamonds in the diadems of (prostrated) kings.
11. The first of the multitude of his younger brothers, the illustrious king Mahadeva, (ncas produced) from the race of the Sun, as the parijata (tree) from the ocean. In consequence of the unequalled splendour of his fame, the fame of other kings experienced the fate of a lamp at dey.light.
. 12. From king Mahadeva was born king Ganapati, (who was endowed) with the same courage, the same virtues, and the same power.
13. "The deer-marked (moon) has become boar-marked." "The blessed boar (or Vishņu) has come, because beauty (or Sri) dwells in the lotus." "This lady has not slept with her cheeks pressed to the breast of her husband after dalliance." (Successively) experiencing curiosity, shame and grief during this morning talk of her maids, the wife of his (viz. Gaņapati's) enemy bends her face down and covers the two marks on her cheeks with both hands.45
14. Who can boast of the courage of king Ganapati, at whose rise Simhaņa lost his heart, by the attack of whose fine soldiers the Kalinga (king) was overthrown, and who is served by the Lata and the Gauda (kings)?
15. He, who by his (the king's) order held a province, 46 the splendour of whose arms was famous, the foremost among generals (sainyapála), who, as regards eloquence (?), was the best of the smooth gems of the Tamraparņi (river),47 who belonged to the renowned gótra of the KAkyapas, the minister of Ganapati, the illustrious Samanta-Bhoja, who, as the moon from the milk-ocean, (vas produced) from the Dochi (family), executed at Kanchi the edict of king Ganapati, (whick shall last) to the end of the kalpa.
16. By presenting to the god who resides in the Ékamra (temple), - in order that wealth might be deposited in the temple) for conducting the worship with great splendour, -a village which is famed on earth by the name Kaļattar, and which abounds in grain, - Ganapati's minister, the illustrious Samanta-Bhoja, the moon of the milk-ocean of the Dochi (family), executed at Kanchi the edict of king Ganapati, (which shall last) to the end of the kalpa.
17. In the Saka year, which was measured by the famous (?) number eleven hundred increased by seventy-two, in the Saunya year, in the month of Jyaishtha, in the dark fortnight, on the day of Hari (Vishnu), a Tuesday, at noon (?), - Ganapati's minister, the illustrious Samanta-Bhoja, the moon of the milk-ocean of the Dochi (family), executed at Kanchi the edict of king Ganapati, (which shall last) to the end of the kalpa.
« This simile implies, that the last king, Radradeva, had four younger brothers, and that Mahadeva was the eldest of these. In the Amaraka (i. 1, 53), the pirijáta tree takes the second place among the five celestial trees.
15 As suggested to me by Pandit Rajagopålicharya of Chikka-Ballapura, the maids allude by the words 'moon' and lotus' to the face of their captive mistress, on which a boar, the creat of king Ganapati, was painted. She experiences ouriosity and shame, because she does not immediately catch the allusion, but takes the two first remarks of her maids in their literal sense. The third remark, which clearly refers to the painted figure on her cheeks, undeceives her and reminds ber of her past happiness and present misery. With the opening words of verse 13. WATCH E , compare page 85 of the Pratáparedriya:
मन्धानाचल मूलमेचकशिलासंघनश्यामिकाकारं यत्तहिनयुती स्फुरति तत्सार माचक्षते ।
मन्ये नन्विह वीररुदनपतेः कीर्तिप्रिया निर्जितस्तन्मुद्राजवराहमिन्दुरुरसा बिभ्रत्समुज्ज़म्भते ।। 46 Chakradharin appears to have the same technical meaning, which the dictionaries attribute to chakradhara and chakrapala.
47 "The smooth gems of the Tamraparpt' are the pearls, for which this river is celebrated. The epithet may also imply that Samanta-Bhoja was born on the banks of that river.
+ Literally, 'Siva's hundred.' Siva is synonymous with Rudra, which, since there are eleven Rudras, is used as a numerical word for eleven.'
4 1. e. the eleventh tithi, which is sacred to Vishnu.