[MARCH, 1882.
(२०) तहल ४ चतुर्णी हलानां भूमी स्वसीमापर्य्यन्ता सवृक्षमालाकुला सहिरण्यभा(27) गभोगा काष्ठतुणोदकोपता सर्वादायसमेता रायकवालज्ञातीयब्राह्मण(28) णज्योतिसोढ़लसुतआसधराय शासनेनोदकपूर्वमस्माभिः प्रदत्ता ॥ अ(99) स्या भूमेराघाटा यथा ॥ पूर्वतो बारडवलयोः क्षेत्रेषु सीमा । दक्षिणतो रा(59) जमार्गः । पश्चिमतः श्रीआनलेश्वरदेवक्षेत्रेषु सीमा । उत्तरतो वांऊयवि(1) शेपेक वा० गांगासक्तडोहलिकायामयोः सीमा । एवममीभिराघाटेरु(३१) पलक्षिता (sic) भूमिमेनामवगम्य एतद्वामनिवासिजनपदैर्यथादीयमानभा(37) गभोगकरहिरण्यादिसलं सर्बदाजाश्रवणविधेयैर्भूत्वाऽमुष्मै ब्राह्मणाय (34) समुपनेतव्यं । सामान्यमेतत्पुण्यफलं मत्वाऽस्मद्वंशजैरन्यैरपि भाविभोक्त(७) भिरस्मत्प्रदत्तधर्मदायोऽयमनुमंतव्यः पालनीयश्च ॥ उक्तं भगवता व्या(३०) सेन । षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः । आच्छेत्ता चानुमंता च तान्येव (") नरके वसेत् । १ [*] यानीह दत्तानि पुरानरेन्द्रर्दानानि धर्मार्थयशस्कराणि निर्मा(३१) ल्यतानि प्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीत ।। २[u.] बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता रा(३१) जभिः सगरादिभिः । यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं । ३ [*] दत्त्वा
भूमि भाविनः (*१) पार्थिवेन्द्रान भूयो भूयो याचते रामभद्रः । सामान्योऽयं दानधर्मों नृपाणां स्वे स्खे (*") काले पालनीयो भवद्भिः । ४ [*] लिखितमिदं शासनं मोढान्वयप्रसूतमहाक्षपद(१) लिक ठ० वैजलस्त ठ० श्रीकंयरेण ॥ दूतकोत्र महासांधिविग्रहिक ठ० श्री(७) भीमाक इति*] ॥
श्रीभीमदेवस्य । The inscription is important; but a verbatim grâma, on the eastern side, the side close to the translation of it would be superfluous, since we land of the god Analesvaradeva of the village of are already familiarized with the copperplate
Mahîsânâ, and to the left of the road leading to grants of the Chaulukya kings, and especially Uligrima (2)-having for its boundary : Eastof this their last, many of whose grants are the fields of Barada and Bala, South-the brought to light and edited with the critical highway; West-the fields of Analesvaradeva%3B acumen of Dr. Bühler. I therefore give only North-the skirts of the village Dohalika near a short abstract of the inscription :
Ganga Sakta and Vaimuya, &c. Abstract.
IV. Officers-Writer, the Mahikshapatalika ___ I. Preamble.-(a.) The Vambavalt agrees Kumyara, son of Vaijala. The Dataka is the with Dr. Bahler's No. 3 of the Apahilvad Minister of Peace and War,-Thakar Bhimika. Chaulukya Grants word for word; with the The earliest inscription hitherto published of single exception that the phrase Praudha- this king brings down his rule to V. S. 1263, pratapa in 11. 8-9 stands before Umāpati-vara- | and the latest settles the close of his reign in labdha-prasáda here, which is after it in No. 3 V. S. 1298. The present grant is then imof V. S. 1263. The quotations from Vyasa portant as it enables us to extend back his reign too, at the end, are the same; but v. 3 of No. 3 tov. S. 1256 (A. D. 1200). I would place the is dropt here.
commencement of the reign of king Bhimadeva (6.) King Bhimadeva II. at Anahilapataka II. nine years later than Dr. Bühler's date, i.e. addresses the officials and people of Danda- | in v.S. 1244; and bring down the reign of hipathaka on Tuesday the Amavasyaof Bhadra- king Jayasimhadeva to V. S. 1209, leaving pada of Vikrama-Samvat 1256 (A. D. 1200), clear 35 years for the three reigns intervening. and announces the following grant:
I would take the dates assigned by the PraII. Grantee.---Åsadhara, son of the Jyoti bandhachintamani or Vicháraéréni or other Södhal of the Rayakava la Brâhman caste. Jain chronicles, or Jain or Brahman genealogical
III. Object.-Four ploughs of land in Kadan I rolls, with suspicious reserve unless they be