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। Shri Sutra Kritanga Sutra । With such a belief, they perform rituals contrary to the right faith, thus they consume sinful karma - they are bound by sin, they are thus like ordinary humans, even though they are vow-takers, according to their perspective and even though they follow the so-called vows.
Jha Asavi Nim Navam, Jai Andho Duruhhiya.
Ichchai Parmagantu Antara Ya Visiyai. ||31|| Shadow - As Astaavini Navam Jatyandho Duruhya.
Ichchati Parmagantu Mantara Cha Visidati. || Translation - A man blind from birth, boarding a leaky boat, wants to cross the river, but he cannot cross it by that boat. He drowns in the middle and dies.
Commentary - The example is given to explain the same meaning - A-Samantat Sravathi Tachiila Wa Asraavini Sachhidrethyarthah, Tam Tathaabhutam Navam Yatha Jatyandhah Samaruhhya Parantatmaagantu Praptumichchatyasau, Tasyasch Sraavinitvena Udakaplutatvad Antarale Jalmadhye Ev Visidati Varini Nimajjati Tatraiva Cha Panchatvam Upayatiti. ||31||
Commentary Meaning - To explain this meaning, the Agamkar explains through an example - A boat in which water is leaking from all sides is called an Asraavini boat. Asraavini means full of holes. A blind man from birth, boarding such a boat, wants to cross the river, but because the boat is leaky, water keeps coming in, the boat becomes full of water and the man drowns in the middle of the water - he drowns and dies.
Evam Tu Samana Ege, Micch Ditthi Anariya.
Sansarprakankhi Te, Sansar Anu Pariyatriti. ||32|| Shadow - Evantu Shramana Eke Mithyadrishtayo Anarya.
Sansar Parakankhinsaste Sansar Manuparyatanti. || Translation - Similarly, many so-called Shramanas, whose perspective is wrong, who are Anarya, devoid of good karma, want to cross the ocean of Samsara for their such perspective and conduct, but they cannot cross it, they keep wandering in it.
Commentary - Now, to explain the meaning of Datantika, it is said - Evamiti Yatha Andhah Sachhidram Navam Samaruhdah Paragamanaaya Naalam Tatha Shramana Eke Shakyadayo Mithya Viparita Drishtiyeshante Mithyadrishtayastatha Pishitashaananumaterana-:Swadarshananuragena