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## 248
**Verse 667**
* **Original:** मूलाचारबलवीरियमासेज य खेत्ते काले सरीरसंहडणं । काओसग्गं कुज्जा इमे दु दोसे परिहरंतो ॥६६७ ॥
बलवीर्यमासाद्य च क्षेत्रं कालं शरीरसंहननं । कायोत्सर्ग कुर्यात् इमांस्तु दोषान् परिहरन् ॥ ६६७ ॥
* **Translation:** By relying on the strength of the fundamental principles, the field, time, and the body's constitution, one should abandon the defects associated with Kayotsarga, while overcoming these two doshas.
**Verse 668**
* **Original:** _ अब कायोत्सर्गके दोषोंको कहते हैं;घोडय लदा य खंभे कुड्डे माले सवरवधू णिगले। लंबुत्तरथणदिट्ठी वायस खलिणे जुग कविढे ।। ६६८॥
घोटको लता च स्तंभः कुड्यं माला शवरवधू निगडः । लंबोत्तरः स्तनदृष्टिः वायसः खलिनं युगं कपित्थं ॥६६८॥
* **Translation:** The defects associated with Kayotsarga are: Ghoṭaka (a type of creeper), Latā (creeper), Stambha (pillar), Kuḍya (a type of bird), Mālā (garland), Śavaravadhū (a type of woman), Nigada (fetter), Lambottara (long-bodied), Stanadṛṣṭi (breast-eyed), Vāyas (a type of bird), Khalina (a type of bird), Yuga (a type of bird), and Kapittha (a type of fruit).
**Verse 669**
* **Original:** सीसपकंपिय मुइयं अंगुलि भूविकार वारुणीपेयी। काओसग्गेण ठिदो एदे दोसे परिहरेजो ॥ ६६९ ॥
शिरःप्रकंपितं मूकत्वं अंगुलिः भ्रूविकारः वारुणीपायी। कायोत्सर्गेण स्थित एतान् दोषान् परिहरेत् ॥ ६६९ ॥
* **Translation:** The defects associated with Kayotsarga are: Śiraḥprakampita (head trembling), Mūkatva (mute), Anguli (finger), Bhūvikāra (earth-related ailment), and Vārunīpāyī (one who drinks water). A being who has attained Kayotsarga should abandon these defects.
**Verse 670**
* **Original:** आलोगणं दिसाणं गीवाउण्णामणं पणवणं च । णिट्ठीवणंगमरिसो काउस्सग्गमि वन्जिजो ॥ ६७०॥
आलोकनं दिशानां ग्रीवोनामनं प्रणमनं च ।
* **Translation:** The defects associated with Kayotsarga are: Ālokanam (looking around), Diśānām (directions), Gṛīvoṇāmanam (neck-bending), and Praṇamanam (bowing).