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## Fivefold Conduct (Panchachar) 5:
**Verse 343:** Therefore, with mindfulness, contemplate the soul through these emotions, for through their contemplation, your vows will be undoubtedly pure and complete.
**Verse 344:** Now, I will speak of the conduct of austerities (tapachar). This fivefold conduct of conduct (charanachar) is described briefly. I will now describe your conduct (tapachara) in summary.
**Verse 345:** This conduct of conduct (charanachar) is fivefold, described briefly. From here, I will describe the conduct of austerities (tapachara) in summary. There are two types of conduct of austerities (tapachara): external (bahya) and internal (abhyantara). Each of these has six subdivisions, which I will describe in order.
**Verse 346:** There are two types of conduct of austerities (tapachara): external (bahya) and internal (abhyantara). Each of these has six subdivisions, which I will describe in order.
**Verse 346:** Fasting (anashan), self-mortification (avamoudarya), renunciation of taste (rasaparitayaga), counting of breaths (vrittiparisankhya), bodily mortification (kayasya paritavo), and secluded sleeping and sitting (vivitta shayanasan) are the six.