Vada ]
.Ganadharavada . . .: 21 :. is not correct; for, sabda is not the guna of akass, but sabda (sound ) is rather the gunal of pudgala ( matter ) as it is aindriyaka ( cognizable by the sense-organs ) as is the case with colour, etc.
When the gunas are pratyakşa, how is it that the gunin is also of this type ?
The answer is :अन्नोऽणन्नो व गुणी होज गुणहिं, जइ नाम सोऽणन्नो। . ननु गुणमेत्तग्गहणे घेप्पइ जीवो गुणी सक्खं ॥११॥ (१५५९) Anno'ŋanno va guņi hojja gunehim jas nāma so’nanno 1 Nanu gunamettaggahane gheppai jivo guni sakkham ॥ 11 (1559)
[ अन्योऽनन्यो वा गुणी भवेद् गुणैः, यदि नाम सोऽनन्यः ।
ननु गुणमात्रग्रहणे गृह्यते जीवो गुणी साक्षात् ॥ ११ ।। (१५५९) Anyo'nanyo Va guni bhaved gunaih, yadi nāma so'nanyah | Nanu guņamātragrahaņe gļhyate jīvo guņi sākṣāt II 11 (1559) ] अह अन्नो तो एवं गुणिनो न घडादओ वि पञ्चक्खा । गुणमेत्तग्गहणाओ जीवम्मि कउ विचारोऽयं? ॥१२॥ (१५६०) Aha anno to evam guņino na ghadādaö vi paccakkhā 1. Gunamettaggahanao jivammi kati vicaro'yam ? ॥ 12 (1560 )
[अथान्यस्तत एवं गुणिनो न घटादयोऽपि प्रत्यक्षाः ।
गुणमात्रग्रहणाजीवे कुतो विचारोऽयम् ? ॥ १२ ॥ (१५६० ) Athânyastata evam guņino na ghatādayo'pi pratyaksāh i Guņamátragrahaņājjīve kuto vicāro' yam ? Il 12 ( 1560 ) ]
Trans.-11-12 The gunin may be either distinct from or identical with gunas. If it is really identical ( with the gunas ), the gunin, the soul, is surely directly realized, on the realization of ( its ) gunas only. If, however, it ( gurin ) is distinct, then