:: 20 :- . ..Jinabhadra Gani's . . [ The first [ गुणप्रत्यक्षत्वतो गुण्यपि जीवो घट इव प्रत्यक्षः ।
घटकोऽपि गृह्यते गुणी गुणमात्रग्रहणतो यस्मात् ॥ १०॥ (१५५८) Guņapratyakşatvato guṇyapi jivo ghata iva pratyakṣaḥ Ghatako'pigrihyate guni gunamatragrahanato yasmat n10 (1551)]
Trns.-- 10 The soul which is gunin, is self-evident owing to its gunas being so ( self-evident ), as is the case with a pitcher. For, on realizing the gunas only, the gunin e. g., the pitcher, too, is realized. (1558)
टीका--प्रत्यक्ष एवं गुणी जीवः, स्मृति-जिज्ञासा-चिकीर्षा-जिगमिषासंशीत्यादिज्ञानविशेषाणां तद्गुणानां स्वसंवेदनप्रत्यक्षसिद्धत्वात् , इह यस्य गुणाः प्रत्यक्षाः स प्रत्यक्षो दृष्टः, यथा घटः, प्रत्यक्षगुणश्च जीवः, तस्मात् प्रत्यक्षः, यथा घटोऽपि गुणी रूपादिगुणप्रत्यक्षत्वादेव प्रत्यक्षः, तद्वद् विज्ञानादिगुणप्रत्यक्षत्वादात्मापीति । आह-अनैकान्तिकोऽयम् , यस्मादाकाशगुणः शब्दः प्रत्यक्षोऽस्ति, न पुनराकाशमिति । तदयुक्तम् , यतो नाकाशगुणः शब्दः, किन्तु पुद्गलगुणः, ऐन्द्रियकत्वात् , रूपादिवदिति ॥ १० (१५५८)॥
D. C.--The gunin, viz., the soul is certainly pratyaksa, because its gunas such as smrti (remembrance ) jijñāsā ( desire for knowledge ), cikarşā (desire for action ), jigamisā ( desire for movements ) and doubt, etc., which are kinds of knowledge . are self-evident, as they are experienced by oneself.' One whose gunas are pratyakşa, is noticed to be pratyakşa ; for instance, a pitcher.
The gunas of the soul are pratyaksa. Therefore the soul is pratyaksa. Just as, since rūpa ( colour ) etc., the gunas of of a pitcher, are pratyaksa, the pitcher, too, is pratyaksa.
Such is the case with the soul, as its gunas, viz. vijnana, ( knowledge ) etc., are pratyaksa.
Some one may say that this argument is anaikantika ( vicious ); for, the sabda (sound ) which is the guna of ākā'sa ( space ) is pratyaksa yet ūkašā is not pratyakşa. But this