Jinabhadra Gani's.
[The first
in your heart, is the soul itself; for, this knowledge is identical with the soul.
What could be decided by pratyakṣa should not be established by any other pramāna. No proof is required to prove the existence of happiness, misery etc., which one experiences in the body. It is futile to advance an argument that though the existence of the universe consisting of villages and cities, is self-evident, yet it is to be proved so far as a nihilist is concerned. For the argument such as "Niralambanā sarve pratyayaḥ, pratyayatvat svapnapratyayavat that is to say all convictions are devoid of any substratum, since they are convictions, like the conviction of a dream-an argument which can be advanced by a nihilist and which is a badhaka pramāna (prejudicing evidence), has already been refuted. And, here there is no badhaka pramana in the pratyakṣa which reveals the soul.
case of
The existence of the soul is established by pratyakṣa pramana for the following reason :
कयवं करेमि काहं वाहमहं पच्चया इमाउ य ।
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Kayavam karemi kāham vā'hamaham paccaya imāü ya Appa sa ppaccakkho tikālakajjovaesão. 7 ( 1555)
[ कृतवान् करोमि करिष्यामि वाहमहम्प्रत्ययादस्माच्च ।
आत्मा स प्रत्यक्षस्त्रैकालिकार्योपदेशात् || ७ || ( १५५५ ) Kritavan karomi kariṣyāmi vahamahampratyayadasmacca | Atma sa pratyakṣastraikālikakaryopadeśat | 7 (1555)]
Trans.-7 Or, this soul is pratykṣa owing to this ahampratyaya (realization as "I") in I did, I do, and I shall do -the pratyaya which is associated with functions pertaining to (all) the three tenses. (1555)