.:.478 :
Jinabhadra Gani's
[The tenth
नारक-तिर्यगादेरुच्छेदप्रसङ्गात् । ततस्तस्मात् तस्यावस्थितस्य जीवादेरस्ति केनापि मनुष्यत्वादिधर्मेण विलयो विनाशः, अन्येन तु सुरादिरूपेण भवनमुत्पादः, सर्वोच्छेदस्तु न मतस्तीर्थकृताम् , संव्यवहारोपरोधात्-अन्यथा व्यवहारोच्छेदप्रसङ्गादित्यर्थः; तथाहि-राजपुच्या क्रीडाहेतुभूतं सौवर्णकलशकं भक्त्वा राजतनयस्य क्रीडार्थमेव कन्दुको घटितः; ततो राजपुत्र्याः शोकः, कुमारस्य तु हर्षः, सुवर्णस्वामिनश्च नरपतेरौदासीन्यम् , सुवर्णस्योभयावस्थायामप्यविनष्टत्वात् , इत्यादिको योऽसौ लोकव्यवहारस्तस्य सर्वस्याप्युत्पादव्यय-ध्रौव्यात्मकवस्त्वनभ्युपगमे समुच्छेदः स्यात । तस्मात कथञ्चिदवस्थितत्वे जीवस्य न परलोकाभाव इति ॥ ४२०-४२१ ॥ (१९६८-१९६९) ____D. C.-An object which is absolutely a-vidyamānaa can never undergo production. For, if the production of an a-vidyamāna object is admitted, non-existent objects like khara-vişāņa will also come into existence, which is utterly impossible. It is only a vidyamāna object that undergoes production. Secondly, there is no exclusive destruction of a vidyamāna object If there were absolute destruction of everything, even nārakî and tiryanca beings would be absolutely destroyed. Jiva etc. which are always avasthita, undergo vinās'a by means of characteristics such as that of manusyatva etc. On the other hand, they undergo production by means of characteristics like that of divine beings etcBut exclusive destruction of all, is never possible for fear of the violation of usual vyavahāra. Take an example to understand it more clearly :-Having broken a golden jar belonging to a princess, a ball was made of gold for a prince. On account of that, sorrow on the part of the princess, joy on the part of the prince, and gold being retained in the same quantity in the form of ball as well as jar, indifference on the part of king who is the owner of gold, constitute loka-vyavahāra. If we do not accept utpāda, vyaya and dhrauvya in case of all objects, violation of this loka-vyavahāra will undoubtedly take place. In case of jîva being avasthita, there is no para-lokābhāva. ॥ 420-421 ॥ ( 1968-1969)