Vada 1 Gañadharavada
.: 463 : " एक एव हि भूतात्मा भूते भूते व्यवस्थितः । एकधा बहुधा चैव दृश्यते जलचन्द्रवत् ॥ १॥"
॥४०५ ।। (१९५३) D. C.-Even if castanya were taken to be different from bhūtas, it would not be able to go to the other world. For, like fire which is different from arani, cartanya is a-nitya, as it dies away after living for sometime.
The existence of para-loka is not established from this point of view also.
Some might not admit the existence of plenty of castanya: related to each and every bhūta, and might admit the existence of one all-pervading niskriya soul as said belowEka eva hi bhūtātmā bhūte bhūte vyavasthitaḥ | Ekadbā bahudhä сaiva dşıśyate jalacandravat 11
[ There exists only one soul pervading each and every bhūta. Like moon ( reflected in ) water, it appears as one, and at the same time in many forms. ] ॥ 405 ॥ ( 1953 )
But even in such a case, there is no scope for para-loka, अह एगो सबगओ निकिरिओ तहवि नत्थि परलोओ। संसरणाभावाओ वोमस्स व सबपिडेसु ॥४०६ ॥ (१९५४) Aha ego savvagao nikkirio tahavi natthi paraloo Samsaraņābhāvāo vomassa va savvapindesu 11 406 II ( 1954 ) [अथैकः सर्वगतो निष्कियस्तथापि नास्ति परलोकः ।
संसरणाभावाद् व्योम्न इव सर्वपिण्डेषु ॥ ४०६ ॥ ( १९५४ ) Athaikaḥ sarvagato nişkriyastathapı násti paralokaḥ Samsaranabhavad vyomna iva sarvapindesu ॥ 406 ॥ ( 1954 )]
___ Trans.-406 If there exists one, all-pervading, inactive ( soul), then also, there would be nothing like para-loka because