the karma-pudgalas also immediately undergo change in their original nature in the present condition and the future consequences. In the same way, small or big portions of various regions of Karma-pudgalas also undergo immediate changes. It has therefore been laid down that:
Gahana samayammi jîva uppãei gune sa-paccayao Sarvajiyanantagune kammapaese su savvesu || 1 || Ayuyabhago thovo name goe samo tao ahigo | Avaraṇamantarae sariso ahigo ya mohevi || 2 || Savvuvari Veyanie bhago ahigo in karaṇam kintu | Suha-dukkhakaranatta thiî visesena sesasu || 3 ||
•: 451 :.
[Grahanasamaye jiva utpadayati gunan svapratyayataḥ | Sarvajitanantagunan karma pradeseṣu sarveṣu | 1 || Ayuskabhagaḥ stoko namni gotre samastato'dhikaḥ Avarane'ntaraye sadriśo'dhikaśca mohe'pi | 2 | Sarvopari Vedanîye bhago'dhikastu kāraṇam kintu | Sukha-duḥkha karaṇatvat sthitir višeṣena sesasu 131395 (1943)]
The example of āhāra stated above is explained in details as follows:
परिणामा -ऽऽसयवसओ घेणूए जहा पओ विसमहिस्स । तुल्लो वि तदाहारो तह पुण्णा - पुण्णपरिणामो ॥ ३९६ ॥ (१९४४)
Parināmā "sayavasao dhenue jahā pao visamahissa | Tullo vi tadāhāro taha punna-'punna parināmo u 396 (1944) [ परिणामा - श्रयवशतो धेन्वा यथा पयो विषमहेः ।
gensfq agierezaur goa1-sgoaqfkura: || 39€ || (2988) Parinama-"srayavasato dhenva yatha payo viṣamaheḥ Tulyo'pi tadaharastatha punya-'punyapariņāmaḥ | 396 || (1944)]
Trans.-396 By virtue of fruition and (the object of) resort, just as the food of cow and serpent although same