.: 452 :.
Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The ninth
results as milk ( in case of cow ) and as poison ( in case of serpent ), so also, the result ( in case ) of punya and pāpa is ( different ) ( 1944 )
टीका - " तदाहारो त्ति" तयोरहि -धेन्वोराहारस्तदाहारः स तुल्योऽपि दुग्धादिको गृहीतः परिणामा -ऽऽश्रयवशाद् यथा धेन्वाः पयो दुग्धं भवति, अस्तु स एव विषं विषरूपतया परिणमति, तथा तेनैव प्रकारेण पुण्याSपुण्यपरिणामः । इदमुक्तं भवति - अस्ति स कश्चित् तस्याऽऽहारस्य परिणामो येन तुल्योsपि सन्नाश्रयवैचित्र्याद् विचित्रतया परिणमति; आश्रयस्याप्यहिधेनुलक्षणस्यास्ति तत्तद् निजसामर्थ्यम्, येन तुल्योऽपि गृहीत आहारस्तत्तद्रूपतया परिणमते; तथा पुण्यपापयोरुपनययोजना कृतैवेति ॥ ३९६ ॥ (१९४४)
D. C.Although the food of cow and serpent is the same, that of cow results as milk while the same results as poison in case of serpent, on account of the distinction of parināma _and_ ās'raya. So, in spite of āhāras being the same, the result is not the same in both cases, because their as'rayas-Cow and serpent-are different. Like s'ubhā-s'ubha ās'raya, it also depends upon s'ubhā-s'ubha parināma || 396 || (1944)
Or, it can be explained in this way also:जह वेगसरीरम् वि सारा - ऽसारपरिणामयामेइ । अविसिट्ठो वाहारो तह कम्मसुभा - सुभाविभागो ॥ ३९७॥ (१९४५)
Jaha vegasarirammi vi sārā'-sāraparināmayāmei | Avisittho vāhāro taha kammasubhā - 'subhavibhāgo ॥ 397 (1945 )
[ यथा वैकशरीरेऽपि सारा - ऽसारपरिणामतामेति ।
अविशिष्ट इवाहारस्तथा कर्मशुभा - शुभविभागः || ३९७ ॥ (१९४५)
Yatha vaikaśarire 'pi sāra'saraparinamatāmeti।
Aviśista ivāharastatha karmaśubha' - śubhavibhagah 397 (1945 ) ]
Trans.-397 Just as the same food results in a substantial or perverted form even in the same body, the distinction of Karma as subha and a-subha would also take place. (1945)