Vada ] Gañadharadavā
.: 445.30 (1) Prakriti-sam krama is not possible in case of original
prakrits like jñānāvarana etc. But in case of characteristics which are acquired later on, mutual transition does take place even though they are not different from their
respective original characteristics. (2) Four varieties of the characteristics of āyuh, and the
infatuations of dars'ana and cāritra ( right conduct ) are exceptions to the above rule. In spite of these prakritis being a-bhinna from their respective original prakritis,
they do not undergo mutual transition. (3) There are 47 uttara-prakrutis, which undergo mutual
transition. They are enumerated as follows:-5 types of prānāvaranas, 9 types of dars'anavaranas, 16 types of dullness; perversion, fear, contempt, the characteristic of lustre, the karmaņa characteristic; 4 characteristics of colour etc; one that is neither too long nor too short; characteristics of destruction and construction; and 5 types of obstructio
All these 47 uttara-prakritis of definite bandha, always undergo mutual transition e.g., out of five types of prānāvaranas noted above, the souti-iānāvarana could be transformed into mato-jñānāvarana and vice versa.
In case of other prakritis that have not been actually bound up, one that has no proper bandha may be transformod into one having proper bandha, but the process does not work vice versa, i. e. a prakriti of proper bundha does not change into a prakriti without bandha.
This is the process of prakriti-samkrama. The process of transition in case of other prades'as ete is understood from the sentence:
“ Mūla prakrityabhinnāsu vedyamānäsu sumkraniah bhavati" eto. implying that when they are known to be similar to the original prakritis they undergo transformation. Il 391 || ( 1939)