Vada ]
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पूर्वानुरागतो वा समयनिबन्धात् तपोगुणाद् वा ।
नरगणपीडा - नुग्रह - कन्दर्पादिभिर्वा केचित् ॥ ३२९ ॥ (१८७७ ) Navaram jinajanma- diksa-kovala-nirvānamahaniyogena । Bhaktyä Saumya samsayavicchedartham vaiyurihāhnāya ||328|| Pūrvanuragato va samayanibandhat tapoguṇad vā | Naragaņapidānugraha-kandarpādibhirva kecit ॥ 329 ॥ ( 1877 ) ]
Trans.-328-329 Some have to visit this world merely by ( way of ) duty, at the occasion of birth, diksā, acceptance of absolute apprehension, or final emancipation of some saint, while others ( would come ) by reason of devotion, O Saumya ! or in order to remove ( their ) doubts, or on account of previous attachment. Some ( would do so ) following the conventional rule, some by virtue of austerities, some to afflict the human beings, some to favour them, or some ( would come ) out of passion etc. ( 1876-1877 )
टीका - नवरं जिनजन्म - दीक्षा - केवल - निर्वाणमहोत्सव नियोगेन तत्कर्तव्यतानियमेनेह देवा आगच्छेयुः । तत्र सौम्य ! केचिदिन्द्रादयो निजभक्त्या समागच्छन्ति केचित् तु तदनुवृच्या, अन्ये संशयव्यवच्छेदार्थम्, अपरे तु पूर्वभविकपुत्र - मित्राद्यनुरागात् । समयनिबन्धः - प्रतिबोधादिनिमित्तः संकेतनिश्चयः, तस्माच्च केचिद् देवा इहागच्छन्ति । अन्ये तु महासत्त्व साध्वादि - तपोगुणसमाकृष्टाः केचित्तु पूर्ववैरिकनरगणपीडार्थम्, अपरे तु पूर्व सुहृत्पुत्राद्यनुग्रहार्थम् केचित्तु देवाः कन्दर्पादिभिरिहागच्छन्ति आदिशब्दात् साध्वादिपरीक्षा हेतोरिति द्रष्टव्यमिति । तदेवं निरूपितं देवानामश्रागमन कारणम्, अनागमनकारणं च ।। ३२८-३२९ ।। ( १८७६-१८७७ ).
D. C. - Various deities visit this world on various purposes. Some have to attend the occasions of janma, dîkṣā, kevala-jñāna prapti and nirvana of a saint. Some like Indra are drawn to this world by means of devotion, some to remove their doubts. Several others descend upon this world on account of their previous attachment to relatives like son, friend etc. or by following the previous conventions or by virtue of previous austerities also, some gods come to the human world for the