.: 358 :
Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The sixth
Niranugrahatvad na gatih parato jaládiva jhaşasya | Yo gamanānugrahitā sa dharmo loka-parimāṇaḥ 11306|1 (1854) ]
Trans.-306 Just as the activity of fish does not extend beyond water, ( their ) movement also does not extend beyond (loka). The predicament of dharmāstikāya which is favourable to ( their ) movement, becomes the only measuring unit of loka. ( 1854 ).
टीका-ततो लोकात् परतोऽलोके जीव-पुद्गलानां न गतिः, निरनुग्रहत्वात्-तत्र गत्यनुग्रहकर्तुरभावादित्यर्थः, यथा जलात् परतो झपस्य मत्स्यस्य गतिर्न भवति, उपग्राहकाभावादिति । यश्चात्र जीव-पुद्गलगतेरनुग्रहकर्ता स लोकपरिमाणो धर्मास्तिकाय इति ॥ ३०६ ।। ( १८५४ )॥
___D. C.-Just as fish cannot move out of water as there will be no upagrāhaka of their movement, so also, jîvas and pudgalas will have no access to the a-loka, as arloka is not favourable to their movement. It is predicament of dharmāstikaya which acts as the upagrābaka of the movements of jîvas and pudgalas, that measures the worth of lokaa ॥ 306 ॥ ( 1854 ) ] अस्थि परिमाणकारी लोगस्स पमेयभावओऽवस्स। नाणं पिव नेयस्सालोगस्थित्ते य सोऽवस्सं ॥३०७ ॥ (१८५५) Atthi parimānakārî logassa pameyabhāvao’vassam Nanam piva neyassalogtthitte ya so'vassam ॥ 307 ॥ ( 1855 ) [ अस्ति परिमाणकारी लोकस्य प्रमेयभावतोऽवश्यम् ।
ज्ञानमिव ज्ञेयस्यालोकास्तित्वे च सोऽवश्यम् ॥ ३०७॥ (१८५५) Asti parimāņakārî lokasya praneyabhavato'paśyan Jianamiva jneyasyalokastitve ca so'vasyam ॥ 307 ॥ ( 1855 ) ] ____ Trans.-307 Just as jnana measures the jneya, similarly, in the midst of (the existence of ) a-loka, it (i. e., dharmāstikāya) also acts undoubtedly as the 'measuring unit of loka on account of its finiteness. ( 1855 )