Vada ]
•: 317 :
Na ca karmano'pi pūrvam karturabhave samudbhavo yuktah Niskaranakah so 'pi ca tatha yugapadūtpattibhave ca || 261 (1809) Na hi karta karyamiti ca yugapadutpattau jîva-karmaṇoḥ | Yukto vyapadeśo 'yam yathā loke govisanayoh ॥ 262 ॥ ( 1810 ) ]
Trans. – 261-262 It is not appropriate ( to believe ) the production of Karma to be first in absence of Kartā, nor is it so even it it is niskāraṇaka. In case of both being produced simultaneously, the same ( difficulties ) will arise. Moreover, in (case of) simultaneous production of jiva and Karma, designation of kartā and kārya will not properly fit in as found in the propular example of the two horns of a cow. (1809-1810)
टीका- न च जीवात् प्राक् कर्मणोऽपि समुद्भवो युक्तः, कर्तुर्जीवस्य तदानीमभावात्, अक्रियमाणस्य च कर्मत्वायोगात्, निष्कारणचेत्थमसौ कर्मसमुद्भवः स्यात्, ततोऽकारणजातस्याकारणत एव विनाशोऽपि स्यादिति । तथा, युगपदुत्पत्तिभावे च " प्रत्येकपक्षोक्ता दोषाः वाच्याः" इति शेषःनिर्हेतुकत्वात् प्रत्येकवदुभयस्यापि समुदितस्यानुत्पत्तिरित्यादि । न च युगपदुत्पन्नयोर्जीव - कर्मणोः कर्तृ - कर्मभावो युज्यत इत्येतदेवाह - " न हीत्यादि " न हि युगपदुत्पन्नयोर्जीव - कर्मणोः " अयं जीवः कर्ता " " इदं वा ज्ञानावरणादिपुद्गलनिकुरम्बं कर्म " इति व्यपदेशो युज्यते, यथा लोके सव्येतरगोविषाणयोरिति ।। २६१-२६२ ।। ( १८०९ - १८१० ) ।।
D. C.-It is not appropriate to accept that Karma is produced first and jiva afterwards. For, the production of Karma is not possible without jiva, which is the Karta at the same time. And if that production of Karma is niṣkāraṇaka, its end will also be niskaranaka.
It is also not proper to say that jiva and Karma are produced simultaneously. Because, in that case also, both being nir-hetuka, the same difficulties will arise.
Moreover, if Jiva and Karma are produced together, they will no longer be taken as kartā and karya but like the two