.: 808 :.
Jinabhadra Gani's
[The fifth
in the next life, will turn to be inconsistent. For, according to you, man should become man only in the next life. Secondly, sentences like "agnihotram juhuyāt svargakāmaḥ" and "agniṣṭomena yamarajamabhijayati" which lay down the conditions for the attainment of svarga, will also become inconsistent because man does never become deity according to your theory of sadris'ta.
The real interpretation of puruso var puruşatvamas'nute pas'avaḥ pas'utvam " etc. is this:-A person who is pious, cultured, and self-less, attains the genesis of man when he dies away after having attached his actions to the human name and lineage. But that does not mean that all purusas attain purusatva as a rule. By virtue of different types of actions, people are liable to be born in an absolutely different genesis also. The same is the case with animals. On account of certain faults like illusion etc. certain animals remain as animals when they pass away in the next life, having attached their actions to the name and lineage of animals. But all pas'us do not attain pas'utva as a rule because their movement from one bhava to another depends upon their actions.
छिन्नम्म संसयम्मि जिणेण जरा-मरणविष्यमुक्केणं । सो समणो पवइओ पंचहिं सह खंडियस एहिं ॥ २५३॥ (१८०१)
Chinnammi samsayammi Jinena jara-maranavippamukkeṇam So samano pavvaio pancahim saha khandiyasaehim 253 (1801)
Trans.-253 When the doubt was removed by the Tirthankara who was entirely free from old age and death, that Saint (Sudharman) accepted diksa along with his five hundred pupils. (1801)
End of the Discussion with the Fifth Ganadhara,