Jinabhadra Gani's
Pancasamitastrigupto jnanyavihimsako na viparitaḥ Bhavatu vā sampattistasya mā vā jivoparodhena ||217 | ( 1765 ) ]
.: 274:
[ The fourth
Trans-217 A wise person, conversant with the five samitis† and guarded in three ways (ie, by mind, speech and body) is a-himsaka, but not the one (having) contrary ( characteristics ). He may or may not attain the fulfilment (of ) himsā on account of obstruction to jtvas. ( 1765 )
टीका - पञ्चभिः समितिभिः समितः तिस्रभिर्गुप्तिभिश्च गुप्तो ज्ञानी जीवस्वरूप - तद्रक्षाक्रियाभिज्ञः सर्वथा जीवरक्षापरिणामपरिणतः तत्प्रयतश्च कथमपि हिंसन्नप्यविहिंसको मतः । एतद्विपरीतलक्षणस्तु नाहिंसकः, किन्तु हिंस्र एवायम्, अशुभपरिणामत्वात् । बाह्यजीवहिंसायास्तु जीवोपरोधेन जीवस्य कीटादेरुपरोधेनोपघातेन संपत्तिर्भवतु मा भूद् वा 6 स तस्य साध्वादेः, हिंसकत्वे तस्या अनैकान्तिकत्वादिति ॥। २१७ ।। ( १७६५ ) ।
D. C.-A person conversant with all the five samitis and restraining himself in three ways-manasa ( by mind) vacasă ( by speech ) and karmanā ( by bodily actions ) – is the jñātā of actual jivasvarupa and its protection. Such a person should be taken as a-himsaka even if he commits himsă. But one who is opposed to the nature of the above-mentioned jnanî purusa, is himsakca as he brings about an a- subha parināma. Fulfilment of himsä may or may not be attained by him due to jrvoparodha or the ( natural ) obstruction to jivas, but his himsakatva is undoubtedly established on account of his bad intention and its inauspicious consequence as laid down below:
असुभो जो परिणामोसा हिंसा सो उ बाहिरनिमित्तं । को वि अवेक्खेज्ज न वा जम्हाऽणेगंतियं बज्झं ॥ २९८ ॥ (१७६६
Asubho jo pariņāmo sa himsā so u bahiranimittam | Ko vi avekkhejja na vā jamhā'negantiyam bajjham 218 (1766)
+ Five Jarne 1ules of life,