Vada ] Gañadharavada
• 259 :भविष्यत इत्यनैकान्तिको हेतुः। अथ भवत्संशयादिविज्ञानमपि नास्ति, तर्हि का नाम शून्यता ? कस्य वाऽसौ ? केन वोपलब्धा ? भवत एवेह तत्र किल संशयः, स चेद् नास्ति, तर्हि कस्यान्यस्य ग्राम-नगरादिसच्चे विप्रतिपत्तिः ? इति भावः ॥ १९९ ॥ (१७४७)॥
D. C.--Just as, your apprehension of doubt etc. exists, even though it is not perceptible to others, in the same way, there are some objects which exist, in spite of their imperceptibility. Middle and rear portions of such objects do exist in spite of their a-pratylesatva. Your hetu will, therefore, involve the fault of anaikāntikatva, since it has been applicable to more than one object.
Again, if your apprehension of doubt etc., does not exist, what would be s'ünyatā then? To whom does that s'ünyata belong? And, who has apprehended that s'unyatā ? The doubt, therefore, must exist. Otherwise, who else will raise the doubt about the existence of vidyamāna objects like village, town, etc.?
After refuting the idea of s'ünyatā, the Bhagavan now tries to establish the existence of elements like prithvi etc. in the following way :पञ्चक्खेसु न जुत्तो तुह भूमि-जला-ऽनलेसु संदेहो ।
अनिलाऽऽगासेसु भवे सोऽवि न जुत्तोऽणुमाणाओ ॥ २०० ॥ Paccakkhesu na jutto tuha bhūmi-jalā’-nalesu samdeho 1 Anilā="gāsesu bhave so’vi na jutto’numāņāo 11 200 11 ( 1748 )
[प्रत्यक्षेषु न युक्तस्तव भूमि-जला-ऽनलेषु संदेहः । __ अनिला-ऽऽकाशयोर्भवेत् सोऽपि न युक्तोऽनुमानात् ॥२०० ॥ (१७४८) Pratyaksesu na yuktasta va bhūmi-jala-'naleșu samadehaḥ, Anila-"kāśayor-bhavet so’pi na yukto’numānāt 11 200 11 (1748)]
Trans.-200 Your doubt about the objects like earth, water, and fire, is not proper, because they are (directly) per