: 120 : . Jinabhadra Gani's [The second ____D. C.--The opponent--We recognize the variety of sthilasarîra by virtue of its being pratyaksa. But we cannot apprehend the variety of a sūksma sarîra as it is absolutely a-pratyaksna (imperceptible ). Hence, if we do not accept the sūksma-sarira at all, will you kindly tell me what difficulty would arise ?
Ācārya-If the suksma Kārmana sarîra is not accepted, in its absence the soul when liberated from the sthūla-sarira after death, will not be able to enter the new body at the next · birth. For, this Kārmana sarara is the only agency through which a new body could be attained in the next birth. So, in case this sūksma karmana sarîra is not accepted, jîva will not enter a new body after death and ultimately the whole of the mundane world will become disjuncted in absence of effort on the part of jîvas.
And even if it were so, what would happen ? सबविमोक्खावत्ती निकारणउ व्व सव्वसंसारो। भवमुकाणं व पुणो संसरणमओ अणासाओ॥८६॥ (१६३४) Savvavimokkhāvattî nikkāraṇau vva savvasaṁsāro i Bhavamukkānam va puno samsaranamao anāsao ॥ 86 ( 1634) [ सर्वविमोक्षापत्तिनिष्कारणको वा सर्वसंसारः।
भवमुक्तानां वा पुनः संसरणमतोऽनाश्वासः॥ ८६ ।। (१६३४ ) Sarvavimo kśápattir-nişkāraṇako vā sarvasamsārah | Bhavamuktānām vā punah sansaraṇamato'nāśvāsaḥ 11 86 (1734)]
Trans.-86 ( In that case ) all will attain Moksa ; the whole of mundane world would become useless; those who are exempted from existence will have birth and re-birth; and there will be no consolation for Moksa even. ( 1634 )
टीका-ततः संसारव्यवच्छेदानन्तरं सर्वस्यापि जीवराशेर्मोक्षापत्तिर्भवेत । अथाशरीराणामपि संसारपर्यटनम् , तर्हि निष्कारण एव सर्वस्यापि संसारः स्यात् , भवमुक्तानां च सिद्धानामित्थं पुनरप्यकस्माद् निष्कारण एव