Vada ] • Ganadharavada
. 89. D. C.-The body in childhood must have some body to precede it, since it has organs of sense, happiness, misery, prāna ( sign of vitality ) apāna (the vital air which goes downwards and out at the anus ), winking of the eyes, opening of the eyes, life, etc., as is the case with the body in youth. This body which precedes one in child-hood, cannot be the body belonging to the previous birth; for it does not exist in the apāntarāla gati ( state previous to the interval stage ) and so it has no scope here. Moreover, it is not possible for one having no body, to have a body in a particular womb, country, place, etc., as there is none to so direct it. Even nature cannot so direct it as we shall soon prove. So the body which precedes one in child-hood is Kārmana-one which is known as a Karmana body, as suggested by "jeena kaammaenam sharet anantaram jivo."
There is another inference also, किरियाफलभावाओ दाणाईणं फलं किसीए व । तं चिय दाणाइफलं मणप्पसायाई जइ बुद्धी ॥६७॥ (१६१५) किरियासामण्णाओ जं फलमस्सावि तं मयं कम्मं । तस्स परिणामरूवं सुह-दुक्खफलं जओ भुजो ॥६८॥ (१६१६) Kiriyā phala bhāvāö dānāîņam phalam kisîe vval Tam ciya dāņāiphalam manappasāyāî jai buddhî ll 67 (1615 ) Kiriyāsāmannāö jam phalamassāvi tam mayam kammam Tassa parināmarūvam suha-dukkhaphalam jaö bhujjo 11 68 (1616) [क्रियाफलभावाद् दानादीनां फलं कृषेरिव ।
तदेव दानादिफलं मनःप्रसादादि यदि बुद्धिः ॥ ६७ ॥ (१६१५) क्रियासामान्याद् यत्फलमस्यापि तद् मतं कर्म । तस्य परिणामरूपं सुख-दुःखफलं यतो भूयः ॥ ६८ ॥ (१६१६)