Vada ]:
.: 83:.
as apineage. When he was so spoken of, he was taken aback. But an after-thought came to him as under :
I am famous in the world, so it is but natural that Mahavira should be knowing my name and lineage. It will be, however, a matter of surprise to me if Mahavira comes to know about my doubt or removes it.
When he was thinking so, Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvîra said, किं मन्ने अस्थि कम्मं उयाहु न त्थि त्ति संसयो तुझं । वेयपयाण य अत्थं न याणसि तेसिमो अत्थो ॥६२॥ ( १६१० ) Kim manne atthi kammam uyāhu na tthi tti saṁsayo tujjham Veyapayāna ya attham na yānasi tesimo attho || 62 ( 1610 ) [ किं मन्यसेऽस्ति कर्म उताहो नास्तीति संशयस्तव ।
वेदपदानां चार्थं न जानासि तेषामयमर्थः ।। ६२ ।। ( १६१० ) Kim manyase'sti karma utaho nāstīti samśayastava | Vedapadānām_cäartham na jānāsi teşamayamarthah || 62 (1610) ]
Trans. – 62 You think whether a Karman exists or not. This is your doubt. You do not know the (real) meaning of the sentences of the Veda. Their meaning is this. ( 1610 ) टीका - हे अग्निभूते ! गौतम । त्वमेतद् मन्यसे चिन्तयसि यदुतक्रियते मिध्यात्वादिहेतुसमन्वितेन जीवेनेति कर्म ज्ञानावरणादिकम् तत् किमस्ति नास्ति वा ? इति । नन्वयमनुचितस्तव संशयः । अयं हि भवतो विरुद्धवेदपदनिबन्धो वर्तते, तेषां च वेदपदानां त्वमर्थं न जानासि तेन संशयं करोषि । तेषां च वेदपदानामयं वक्ष्यमाणलक्षणोऽर्थः इति ।। ६२ (१६१०) ।।
D. C. —' 0 Agnibhuti ! of Gautama lineage. You have a doubt as to whether the Karman which is being done by the soul under the influence of Mithyatva (False Belief), etc., and which is of the type of Jnanavarana (knowledge-obscuring), etc., exists or not. This doubt of yours is based on your unrealization of the exact significance of the sentences of the Veda. This significance is what will be just expounded.