Vada ] Gañadharavāda
.: 69 :. ___D. C.-When the attention of the soul is diverted from one object to another, e. g., from a pitcher to a piece of cloth, then it ceases to be styled as ghatopayoga (attention to a pitcher ) but acquires a new designation viz., patopayogaa ( attention to a piece of cloth ). Such being the case, this soul is named as vijñānaghana in the Veda. Therefore, Gautama ! admit that the soul exists.
एवं पि भूयधम्मो नाणं तब्भावभावओ बुद्धी। तं नो तदभावम्मि वि जं नाणं वेयसमयम्मि ॥४९॥ (१५९ अथमिए आइच्चे चंदे संतासु अग्गि-वायासु । किंजोइरयं पुरिसो अप्पज्जोइ त्ति निविट्ठो ॥ ५० ॥ (१५९८) Evam pi bhūyadhammo nāņam tabbhāvabhāvao buddhi | Tam no tadabhavammi vi jam nānam Veyasamayamm ॥ 49 (1597 Atthamie āicce cande santāsu aggi-vāyāsu / Kimjoirayam puriso appajjoi tti niddittho ॥ 50 ( 1598 ) [ एवमपि भूतधर्मो ज्ञानं तद्भावभावतो बुद्धिः। . तद् न तदभावेऽपि यज्ज्ञानं वेदसमये ॥ ४९ ।। ( १५९७ )
अस्तंमित आदित्ये चन्द्रे शान्तयोरग्नि-वाचोः । किंज्योतिरयं पुरुष आत्मज्योतिरिति निर्दिष्टः ॥ ५० ॥ (१५९८) Evamapi bhūtadharmo jnanam tadbhāvabhayato buddbih 1 Tad na tadabhāve’pi yajjñānam Vedasamaye || 49 ( 1597 ) Astamita aditye candre Santayor-agni-vacoh। . Kimjyotirayam puruşa ātmajyotiriti nirdistaḥ || 50 ( 1598 )]
Trans.-49-50 You may think that even in this way, knowledge is the dharma of elements owing to its existing when they exist (and that it does not exist when there is their non-existence ). This is not proper; for, even