It seems that mahaprabhu had marrid when he completed his task of sprading Bhagwat dharm or Pushtımarga over India. His wife's name was mahalaxmi By her, mahaprabhu had two sons:-Gopinath and Vithaleshwara. All the present maharajas arə direct agnate descendants of Vithaleshwara.
It seems that most of his thoughtful works were written aftr he had married, Hs made his permenant residence at Adel and served lord Shri Krishna wholeheartedly. The whole life of shri mahaprabhu was ideal. without any pomp or show he used to pass his life and was busy with writing, when he got time after the service of lord Krishna.
According to sampradaik gathas it is said that while shri mahaprabhu was in his travels he received a special Summon from God shri Nathji in Jhad khanda and immediately after the call he left for Vraja. There he set up the shrine of shri Nathji on the holy hill of Gover dhana near muttra. a fe.
During his stay in Vraja, on the mid night of 11 th day of the bright half of shravana, Vallabhacharga says, he had holy communion with lord shri Krishna who commanded him to initiate Jivas in his service. The same is known as Brahmasambandha.