At the age of 52 he left his home for ever and joined the Bhaktimargiya Sanyasa. He came for the last time to Benares. The atmosphere of the city had become very calm and favourable for him. Many lerned people came to him and bowed their head Vallabh himself was now calm. He observed a vow of silence and applied his mind to his lord. During his narea or vow of silence bis son Vithaleshwara with some of his followers came to him and wished to have last instruction form Mahaprabhu On a piece of paper mahapraboo wrote for last three and a half verses of instruction which are kuown as Perant arrapata or the instruction of three and a half verses.
Then after a very short time Vallabhacharya left the world keeping behind him his most glorious fame. His life was full of devotion toward God and pity toward mankind. He preached what was solely truth and leading toward God He left the world at the age of 52. When he released his body consisting of five elements it is said that he made his direct way to heavens The scene of that time descriled by Dr. Wilson is as follows.
“Having accomplished his mission he is said to have entered the ganges at Hanumanghat when stooping in to the water he disappeared and a brilliant flame arose from the spot