Shah Sikandar Ladi was the ruler of Delhi at that time and was known as a blind follower of mahomedanism throughout of India. He tried his best to spread pan Islamism throughout India and applied every material to spread Islamism in India पु मा. इ.
When Sikandar Lodi heard of vallabhacharyas great achievements he wished to see this extraordinary prophet personally. Accordingly it is said that Sikandar Lodi with some of his officers privately went to see Shri Mahaprabhu and immediately on seeing Shri Mahaprabhu he was so much impressed that he bowed his crowny head at the feet of Shri Mahaprabhu पु मा. इ.
After his return to Delhi he ordered Honahar, the best artist of his personal staff to go to Adel and have a coloured paint of Shri Mahaprabhu. The order was executed promptly and a nice picture of Shri Mahaprabhu was ready by the mehomedan artist
Till a very long period the picture was reserved in the royal palaces of mehomedans and the same was given in present by the great mugal emperor shahjahan to the ruling chief of Krishnagrah, Maharaja Roopsinsj, as a great victory over Afghanistan by him
From that time the original picture of Mahaprabhu is possessed and worshiped by the kings of Krishagarh.