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## Chapter 221: Elucidation of the Action of the Karma-Destroyer, the Karma-Destroyer, and the Karma-Destroyer
**Verse 883**
The purified ones, having shed their karma, are doubtful. 1431. In all the parts of the karma, the doubt is the middle rise, thus all is the word of the wise. 1432. All the karmas are doubtful. 1433. What the karma experiences, those middle karmas are aroused. 1434. That is the explanation of the knowledge, the explanation of the wisdom, 1435. Just as (167) it doubts, it arises, and it is all with the two specialities. The karma, in the part of the experience, the middle is the rule. 220.
**Verse 884**
Explanation. 1436. This explanation is the word of the question. 1437. Does all the two specialities doubt and arise, or not? It should be said, no. 1439. The purified ones, having shed their karma, all the two specialities doubt and arise. 1440. What the karma experiences, those middle karmas are aroused.
**Verse 885**
This is the explanation of the knowledge, the explanation of the wisdom. 1442. Just as (168) what part it destroys, in that time it enters. Having destroyed, it enters the similar, or it enters the dissimilar. 226.
The phrase "in all the parts of the karma" and so on, is a grammatical rule, therefore it should be understood that all the karmas, both experienced and unexperienced, are subject to the karma-destroyer. And the karma that is experienced, its middle karmas are aroused. (The reason for this is that the experienced karma, leaving aside the many karmas above and below it, only the middle karmas are activated in the form of rise or arousal.) 1426-1433.
Now, the second commentary verse is explained. It is as follows: 1434-1435.
Does the karma-destroyer, by all the specialities of the situation, doubt and arise? The karma, experiencing the parts of the karma, experiences only the middle parts, that is, the middle parts, according to the rule. 220.
The explanation of the above commentary verse is as follows: This verse is also in the form of a question. Does the karma-destroyer, which experiences the karma, doubt and arise in all the specialities of the situation, or not? Should this question be answered? Leaving aside the situation that has entered the state of rise, all the remaining situations are subject to both doubt and arousal. And the karma that it experiences, it arouses its middle karmas. 1436-1440.
Now, the third commentary verse is explained. It is as follows: 1441-1442.
What karma-ash it destroys, does it enter into arousal in the next time? The karma-ash that was destroyed in the previous time, enters the similar or the dissimilar in the next time, while being aroused. 229.