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Apurvakaran- Description of the special activities like entry into the state of conduct-deluding-karma-annihilation, etc. Description of the necessities of the conduct-deluding-karma-annihilator.
Description of the variations in the state-bondage of the karmas binding the conduct-deluding-karma-annihilator.
Description of the possible meritorious activities and the states of the conduct-deluding-karma-annihilator, and the prescription for the annihilation of the eight middle passions and the sixteen sleep-related dispositions.
Prescription for the annihilation of the four samjvalana and nine no-kasaya, i.e. thirteen karmas.
Prescription for the annihilation of the neuter-sex and female-sex.
Description of the variations in the state-bondage of the annihilator of the seven no-kasayas.
Special activities of the author as the initiator and establisher.
Meaning of apavartana.
Nature of the successive entry.
Description of the similarity and dissimilarity in the bondage, rise, and entry of the initiator and establisher.
Description of the variations in the state and extent of the annihilator who performs the internal activities.
Description of the deposit, re-establishment, etc. of the apavartita substance.
Description of the increase, decrease, and state of the apakarsita, utkarsita, and samkramita substance in the later time.
Description of the measure of the minimum-maximum deposit and the atisthapana.
Bondage of the utkarsita or apakarsita state.
Description of the inferiority-superiority with the measure of the state.
Nature of the terms vrddhi, hani, and avasthana, and their variations.
Prescription of the asvakarnakarana.
Variations in the apurvaspardhaka and the preceding spardhaka.
Special activities of the second and other time-related asvakarnakarana-karaka.
Variations in the state-bondage and state-substance in the last moment of the asvakarnakarana-karaka.
Description of the krstikaran-kala.
Variations in the intensity-mildness of the krstis done in the first moment.
Variations in the intervals of the krstis.
Variations in the state-bondage and state-substance in the last moment of the krstikaran-kala.
Exposition and resolution of the author's questions related to the krstis.
Description of the pradeśas of the krstiveda.
Description of the udayasthiti-related yavamadya-racana of the krstiveda.
Variations in the pradeśāgras related to the udayasthiti.
Description of the gati, etc. mārganās of the karmas bound in the previous lives of the krstiveda.
Description of the time-bound and life-bound karmas of the krstiveda.
Description of the inferiority-superiority of the krstis with respect to the anubhāga and pradeśas.
Description of the state-substance of the krstis of the first moment.