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## Kasayapahudu Sutta
**Chapter on the Subduing of the Passion of Character**
**676-737** How many types of subduing of the passion of character are there, based on the state of the subdued passions?
**Explanation with reasons**
**714** Which karmas are subdued? What karmas remain unsubdued in the subtle saṃpārāyika saṃyata who falls? What karmas remain unsubdued in the bādar saṃpārāyika saṃyata who falls?
**Description of special actions**
**715** The author raises these questions and provides solutions.
**Description of special actions**
**716** Description of the possible states of bondage of the said being, the special actions of the alpa cāritramoha-upaśāmaka, the vedaka samyagdṛṣṭi.
**678** Description of the special actions of the kṣāyika samyagdṛṣṭi-upaśāmaka who falls, the bādar saṃpārāyika saṃyata, the mohanīya karma, the anānupūrvī saṃkrama.
**681** Description of the special actions of the cāritramoha-upaśāmaka, the apūrvakaraṇa, the jñānāvaraṇa, etc. karmas, the सर्वघाती nature of these.
**722** Description of the possible states of bondage, etc., that appear in the apūrvakaraṇa saṃyata who falls in the anivṛttikaraṇa guṇasthāna.
**62** Description of the karmas that appear after the antarakaraṇa, the first time, the possible natures, the udirana, and the bondage.
**725** Description of the special actions of the seven adhaḥpravṛtta saṃyata who fall, who begin together.
**660** Description of the actions, why the śreṇī is udirana after the passage of six śrāvalīs, with the rise of puruṣaved and māna.
**Explanation with reasons for the question of the differences in the being who ascends**
**661** Description
**727** Description of the subduing of the strīved.
**664** Description of the differences in the being who ascends with the puruṣaved and māyā, the subduing of the seven nokṣāyas.
**726** Description of the differences in the being who ascends with the puruṣaved and lobha, the prathamasamaya-vartī avedī upaśāmaka, the state of bondage, etc.
**667** Description
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**702** The alpa-vahtva of the tivra-mandatā of the kṛṣṭis.
**703** Description of the differences in the upaśāmaka who ascends with the rise of the napuṣakaved, the kṛṣṭīkaraṇa kāla.
**731** Description of the special actions of the prathamasamaya-vartī sūṣma saṃpārāyika upaśāmaka.
**704** Description of the special actions of the prathamasamaya-vartī apūrvakaraṇa saṃyata who ascends with the puruṣaved and krodha.
**705** Description of the differences in the upaśāmana, from the vītaraaga saṃyata who falls to the charma saṃyata.
**707** Description of the possible karmas that are worthy of subduing in the prathamasamaya-vartī apūrvakaraṇa saṃyata.
**The alpa-vahtva of the middle positions**
**706** The alpa-vahtva of the positions, the anubhāga, and the pradeśas, in relation to the cāritramoha kṣapaṇa.
**738-866** The results, yoga, positions, alpa-vahtva, the uday-udirana, etc., of the cāritramoha-kṣapaka, the upaśāmaka, the use, the leśyā, etc.
**738** The instruction of the eight types of karmas, and the description of which karmas are cut off where, before the cāritramoha is kṣapaṇa, and which natures are cut off by the uday.
**712** Description