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Translation with Jain terms preserved:
Gatha 217] Exposition of the process of destruction of charitra-moha-kristi
881. Whatever remains of the other kristi, he destroys it by both (veda and samchhuhanta) means. 1415. What is meant by 'both'? 1416. Veda (experiencing) and samchhuhanta (transmigrating) - this is the 'both'.
1417. This is the second mula-gatha. (163) Whatever kristi he destroys by veda, does it have a bandha (bondage) for him? And whatever he destroys by samchhuhanta, does it have a bandha for him?
1418. This gatha is a bhashya-gatha (explanatory verse) of this. 1419. As follows: Whatever kristi he destroys by samchhuhanta, it does not have a bandha for him. In the sukshmsamparaya state, it is abandha (without bondage) for him, but for other kristi, it is a bandha.
1420. Vibhasha (explanation): Whatever kristi he destroys by veda, niyama (rule) is that it has a bandha for him, except the two samaya-less two avali-bound kristi and the sukshmsamparaya kristi.
1421. So, he destroys the remaining kristi by both (veda and samchhuhanta) means.
1422. This is the third mula-gatha. 1423. As follows: Except the final sukshmsamparaya kristi, and the two samaya-less two avali-bound kristi, he destroys the remaining kristi by both (veda and samchhuhanta) means.