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## 862
## Kasaya Pahud Sutta
[15 Charitra Moh-Kshapana Adhikar
The duration of the gross karmas is thousands of years. The duration of the remaining karmas is countless years. || 1225-1232 ||
After that, in the infinite time, the second krusti of greed, by taking away the area of the first krusti, makes the first sthiti. At the same time, the second krusti of greed and the third krusti of greed, by taking away the area of the first krusti, make the krustis called sukshma-samparayik. || 1233-1234 ||
Doubt - Where is the location of these sukshma-samparayik krustis? || 1235 ||
Solution - Their location is below the third sangrah-krusti of greed. || 1236 ||
Special Meaning - The process of making the subtle part of the burning greed-poison into a very subtle or mild form by causing infinite loss from the badar-samparayik krustis is called sukshma-samparayik krustikaran. The part of the most subtle sukshma-samparayik krusti is infinitely less than the part of the most gross badar-krusti. The Churnikar has explained this point clearly in the above doubt-solution, that the location of the sukshma-samparayik krustis is below the third sangrah-krusti of greed. The creation of these sukshma-samparayik krustis is done by taking the area of the second and third krustis of greed. The one who experiences the second sangrah-krusti of greed starts creating the sukshma-samparayik krustis at the very first time of experiencing that krusti. If the creation of the sukshma-samparayik krustis does not start in the second third of the burning greed, then it cannot transform into the form of experiencing the subtle krusti in the third third.
Now the Churnikar, while explaining the special dimension of the sukshma-samparayik krustis, further clarifies it.
Churnisu - Just as there is the first sangrah-krusti of burning anger, so is this sukshma-samparayik krusti. || 1237 ||
Special Meaning - The meaning of this sutra is that just as the first sangrah-krusti of anger was countless times more in terms of the quantity of matter than its dimension, considering the dimension of the remaining sangrah-krustis, similarly this sukshma-samparayik krusti is also countless times more than the first sangrah-krusti of anger, leaving aside the first sangrah-krusti of anger.
1. What is the characteristic of the sukshma-samparayik krusti? The characteristic of the sukshma-samparayik krusti is to be considered as the location of the subtle part of the burning greed-poison, which has become infinitely less than the badar-samparayik krusti. Jayadha.