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## Introduction
**8. Vyanjana - Adhikar -** Vyanjana is a synonym for Adhikar. This Adhikar describes the synonyms of the four Kashayas: Krodha, Mana, Maya, and Lobha. For example, synonyms for Krodha are Krodha, Risha, Akshama, Kalha, Vivaad, etc. Synonyms for Mana are Mana, Mad, Darpa, Stambh, Paribhava, etc. Synonyms for Maya are Maya, Nikriti, Vachana, Satiyog, and Anrijuta, etc. Synonyms for Lobha are Lobha, Raga, Nidana, Preyas, Murcha, etc. These various names of Kashayas shed new light on the many things that need to be known about the Kashayas and the Tripaya.
**10. Darshan Mohopashamana - Adhikar -** The Karma whose arising prevents the Jiva from experiencing the vision, direct perception, and true understanding or faith in its own nature is called Darshan Moh Karma. The state of the atoms of this Karma being absent for a moment or being in a state of quiescence is called Upashama. In the state of Upashama of this Darshan Moh, the Jiva experiences its true nature for a moment. The supreme bliss that it experiences at that time is beyond words. This Adhikar discusses the consequences of the Jiva who removes this Darshan Moh, its Yoga, its Upayoga, its Kashayas, its Leshyas, and its Ved, and elaborates on the specific consequences through which this Jiva attains the unattainable and precious Samyaktva Ratna. All four types of Jivas can remove Darshan Moh, but it must be done with a conscious, five-sensed, and sufficient rule. Finally, the Adhikar describes some of the specific actions and states of the Jiva who attains the first Upashama Samyaktva, i.e., the first time attaining Upashama Samyagdarshan.
**11. Darshan Mohkshapan Adhikar -** The state of Upashama of Darshan Moh, described above, ends after a moment, and the Jiva again becomes deprived of self-vision. To ensure that self-realization remains permanent, it is necessary to destroy the Darshan Moh Karma forever. This Adhikar discusses all the things that are necessary for this. It explains that the beginning of the destruction of Darshan Moh can only be done by a human being born in the Karmabhumika. However, its completion can be done in all four types of births. The human being who begins the destruction of Darshan Moh must have at least Tejo Leshya. The time for the destruction of Darshan Moh is a moment. If the human being dies before the completion of this destruction process, it can be born in any of the four types of births according to its age-bond. The human being who begins the destruction of Darshan Moh in a particular birth can attain liberation from the world after a maximum of three more births, and attain eternal bliss forever.
**12. Samyamasanyama Labdhi - Adhikar -** When the soul experiences its own nature, it emerges from the mire of Mithyatva, bathes in the pure lake, and rests on the rock on the shore of the lake, its joy knows no bounds. Then it strives to prevent its fall back into this despicable and unattainable mire. Thinking in this way, it tries to avoid the mire of worldly desires as much as possible. This is called Samyamasanyama Labdhi.