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## 793
## Chapter 123
## Description of Special Actions that Quell the Attachment to Conduct
There are no actions that are both *saani* and *satta*. 362. There are four actions: *bandhana-karana*, *apavartana-karana*, *udvartana-karana*, and *sankrama-karana*. There are no other four actions. 363. The order of the *mula-payadis* should be known until the final time of the *badarasa-samparaya*. 364. For the *suhuma-samparaya*, there are two actions for the *mohaniya-karma*: *apavartana-karana* and *udirana-karana*. These are the same actions for the other *karmas*. 365. For the *upasanta-kasaya-vitaraaga*, there is no action for the *mohaniya-karma*, except for the *darsana-mohaniya*. For the *darsana-mohaniya*, there are *apavartana-karana* and *sankrama-karana*. 366. For the other *karmas* of the *upasanta-kasaya*, there are also *apavartana-karana* and *udirana-karana*. Only for *ayu* and *vedaniya* *karma*, there is only *apavartana-karana*. 367. By explaining the first part of the fourth verse, the question of "which *karana* is *upasanta* and which *karana* is *anupasanta*" is also explained. 368. Some say that *sankrama* and *udirana* are for a short time. While explaining this verse, these eight *karanas* of the *uttar-payadis* should be explained separately. 369. The explanation is "for a short time". 370. For example, 371. *Upasanta* is for a moment, without any interruption.
1. Only *udvartana-karana* (or *utkarshana-karana*) exists, the other seven *karanas* do not exist. The *bandhana-karana*, *apavartana-karana*, *udvartana-karana*, and *sankrama-karana* of the *vedaniya-karma* exist, the other four *karanas* do not exist. 359-362.
*Churnisutra*: This order should be known from the *mula-prakriti* until the final time of the *badarasa-samparaya* *gunasthana*. In the *suhuma-samparaya* *gunasthana*, there are only two *karanas* for the *mohaniya-karma*: *apavartana-karana* and *udirana-karana*. These are the same *karanas* for the other *karmas*. For the *upasanta-kasaya-vitaraaga*, there is no action for the *mohaniya-karma*, except for the *darsana-mohaniya*. Because, for the *upasanta-kasaya-vitaraaga*, there are *apavartana-karana* and *sankrama-karana* for the *darsana-mohaniya-karma*. For the other *karmas* of the *upasanta-kasaya*, there are also *apavartana-karana* and *udirana-karana*. Only for *ayu* and *vedaniya* *karma*, there is only *apavartana-karana*. In this way, by explaining the first part of the fourth verse, the question of "which *karana* is *upasanta* and which *karana* is *anupasanta*" is also explained. And in this way, the whole verse is explained. 363-367.
*Churnisutra*: "For how long does the desired nature of *charitra-moha* remain *upasanta*, and for how long do *sankrama* and *udirana* occur?" While explaining this third verse (the first part), these eight *karanas* of the *uttar-prakritis* should be explained separately. 368.
0. *Churnisutra*: "Now, for how long does each *karma* remain *upasanta*?" This third part of the third verse is explained. The explanation is as follows: Compared to the state without any interruption (i.e., death, etc.), the *moha-prakritis* like *napumsaka-veda* remain *upasanta* for a moment.