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## Chapter 123: Charitra Moh Upshamak - Vishesh Kriya Nirupan
**195.** The six *nokapayas* (types of karma) of the *antarakada* (intermediate state) do not cause a transition in the *purushaveda* (state of the soul), but they do cause a transition in the *koha* (anger) *sanjalana* (agitation).
**196.** The *purushaveda* of a being who has lost their *avedya* (knowledge of the true nature of reality) in the first *samaya* (time period) has two *avali* (cycles) of *bandha* (bondage) remaining, which are *dusamaya* (unfavorable) and *anuvamsanta* (inherited).
**197.** The *pade* (state) of those who have two *avali* of *dusamaya* *anuvamsanta* is calmed by the *saggi* (merit) of *asamkhejjaguna* (innumerable qualities).
**198.** It is calmed by the *parapyadee* (transmigration) through the *adhapavatta* (downward) *samkrama* (transition).
**199.** The *sanka* (doubt) of the being who has lost their *avedya* in the first *samaya* is very great. At that time, it is *visheshheen* (without any special qualities).
**200.** This *kama* (desire) is bound to the *eyasamaya* (present time).
**201.** The *sanjalana* (agitation) of the being who has lost their *avedya* in the *paramasamaya* (final time period) is *thidibandha* (bound to the state of existence) and has 32 *vastra* (layers) of *antomuhuttu* (internal moments). The transition from the *pradesh* (state) of the first *sthiti* (state) to the second *sthiti* is called *agala* (ascending).
The transition from the *pradesh* of the second *sthiti* to the first *sthiti* is called *pratyagala* (descending). In this way, due to the influence of *utkarshana* (elevation) and *aparkarshana* (debasement), the *pradesh* of the first and second *sthiti* undergo a mutual *vishaya* (object) *samkrama* (transition) in the form of *agala* and *pratyagala*. This occurs only until two *avali* of time remain in the *purushaveda* of the first *sthiti*. When the full two *avali* of time remain in the *purushaveda* of the first *sthiti*, then the *agala* and *pratyagala* cease to occur. This is the meaning that should be understood here.
Alternatively, taking the support of *utpadanuchheda* (the cessation of production), according to the *Jayadhavala* commentary, it is also suggested that *agala* and *pratyagala* occur until the time of *avali* and *pratyavali* (cycles), but after that, they cease to exist. At this point, the *gunashreni* (series of qualities) of the *purushaveda* also ceases to exist. Only through *pratyavali* (cycles) does the *asamkhya* (innumerable) *samayaprabddha* (time-bound) experience *pratikshana* (instantaneous) *udirana* (arising).
**10 - Antar (To differentiate)**
After the *churnisutra* (commentary), the six *nokapayas* of *hasya* (laughter) etc. do not cause a transition in the *purushaveda*, but they do cause a transition in the *sanjalana* (agitation) of *krodha* (anger). (Because, here, *anupurvi* (sequential) transition is found).
The being who has lost their *avedya* in the first *samaya* has a *navaka* (new) *samayaprabddha* (time-bound) *sattva* (being) in the *purushaveda* that is two *samaya* less than two *avali*. This being remains *anupashanta* (uncalmed) here.
The *pradesh* of those who are *anupashanta* with a *navaka* *samayaprabddha* that is two *samaya* less than two *avali* is calmed by the *asamkhya* (innumerable) *guna* (qualities) *shreni* (series) here. In other words, after the *bandhavali* (cycle of bondage) is crossed, the time for calming the *navina* (new) *bandha* *samayaprabddha* of the *purushaveda* is only one *avali*. This is the meaning that should be understood here.
He does not calm their *pradesh* in their own place, but through the *adhapavatta* (downward) *samkrama* (transition), he causes a transition to the *paraprakriti* (other nature), which is the *sanjalana* (agitation) of *krodha* (anger). (Because, the *dravya* (substance) of the *purushaveda* cannot transition elsewhere).
The *pradesh* of the being who has lost their *avedya* in the first *samaya* that is to be transitioned is very great, and in the subsequent time, it is *visheshheen* (without any special qualities). This sequence is only for one *samayaprabddha* (time-bound). (Because, in the intention of *nana* (various) *samayaprabddha*, the sequence of *vriddhi* (increase) and *hanik* (decrease) is also seen in the form of four types of *vriddhi* and four types of *hanik*).
**Churnisutra:** The four *sanjalana* *nokapayas* of the being who has lost their *avedya* in the first *samaya* are bound to the *sthiti* (state).