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## 13. Sanjamalabdhi-Arthaadhikaara
**Churnisoo:** The first sutra in the form of a gatha should be known in the Anuyogadvaar called Sanjamalabdhi, which means the attainment of restraint. It is as follows: The gatha that was previously mentioned in the Anuyogadvaar called Sanjamasanjamalabdhi should also be used as a model here. [1-3]
**Vishesharth:** Shree Gunadharacharya has mentioned the same gatha in both the Anuyogadvaars, Sanjamasanjam and Sanjamalabdhi. In that gatha, only the information about Sanjamalabdhi is given, and the gradual increase in the results and the pacification of the previous bound karmas are mentioned, hinting at their modeling. Therefore, their description should be done here in the same way as it was described in Sanjamasanjamalabdhi. Here, it is only necessary to mention the name Sanjamalabdhi instead of Sanjamasanjamalabdhi.
**Churnisoo:** The four aforementioned gatha-propositions should be known at the final time of the downward inclination of the living being who is striving to attain restraint. They are as follows: What is the result of the living being who attains restraint? What are his yoga, kshaya, upayoga, leshya, and ved? (1). What are the previously bound karmas of the living being who attains restraint, and what new karmas does he bind? How many of his karmas are arising, and how many does he stimulate? (2). Which karmas are severed from his binding or arising, and when and where does he attain Sanjamalabdhi by making a difference? (3). What are his karmas in which state, and by diverting which karma in which section, does he attain which place? (4). After explaining these four sutra-gatha, the explanation of the upakramvidhi of the living being who attains restraint should be done. [4-10]