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## Kasaya Pahud Sutta
[6 Vedak Arthaadhikār]
529. When a person desires, one *udīraṇā* is obtained, and *udaya* and *sankarma* are also one *sthiti* each. 530. *Jaṭṭhidi* *udaya* is also one *sthiti*. 531. *Jaḍidi* *sankarma* is *saṅkhejjaguṇa*. 532. *Jaḍidi* *udīraṇā* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa*. 533. *Jaṇṇao* *dvidisanta* *kamma* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa*. 534. *Jaṇṇao* *ṭṭhidi* *bandho* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa*.
538. **Cūrṇisū** - In relation to *jayanya*, one *sthiti* of *mithyātvakī* is obtained as *udīraṇā*, and it is one *sthiti* in terms of *sthiti* *pramāṇa*. (Therefore, these three are all one *sthiti* at the least.) The *mithyātvakī* *jaghanya* *jaghanya* *yat sthitika* *udaya* is also one *sthiti* in terms of *sthiti* *pramāṇa*, and *sankarma* is also one *sthiti* only, and in relation to the *vakyamāṇa* *pado*, *yat sthitika* *udaya* is also one *sthiti* in terms of *sthiti* *pramāṇa*. *Mithyātvakī* *sankarma* is *saṅkhejjaguṇa*. || 529-531 ||
**Viśeṣārtha** - The reason for saying that *mithyātvakī* *jaghanya* *yat sthitika* *udaya* is *saṅkhejjaguṇa* in relation to *yat sthitika* *sankarma* is that, in relation to one *sthiti*, two *sthiti*s related to time are double. The *sthiti* that occurs during the transition period of the desired nature is called *yat sthiti*. The one that has *yat sthiti* is called *yat sthitika*. In this way, the *udaya* of *yat sthitika* is called *yat sthitika udaya*, the *udīraṇā* is called *yat sthitika udīraṇā*, and the *sankarma* is called *yat sthitika sankarma*. In the future, one should always understand the meaning of *yat sthiti* from the word *jaṭṭhidi*. **Cūrṇisū** - *Mithyātvakī* *yat sthitika* *sankarma* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa* in relation to its own *yat sthitika* *udīraṇā*. || 532 ||
**Viśeṣārtha** - Because its *pramāṇa* is one *āvali* *pramāṇa* more than one time. There is one *āvali* of *asaṅkheya* times, therefore, it is proven to be *asaṅkhejjaguṇa*.
**Cūrṇisū** - *Mithyātvakī* *yat sthitika* *udīraṇā* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa* in relation to its own *jaghanya* *sthitika* *sankarma*. || 533 ||
**Viśeṣārtha** - Because its *prabhāga* is the *asaṅkheya*th part of *palyopam*.
**Cūrṇisū** - *Mithyātvakī* *jaghanya* *sthiti* *sankarma* is *asaṅkhejjaguṇa* in relation to its own *jaghanya* *sthiti* *bandho*. || 534 ||
1. Just as - *udīraṇā* is obtained in the *āvali* of time that is facing the first *sammatta* *abhimukha* *icchā* *ṭṭhidi*, and *udaya* is obtained in the *jaṇṇao* that is obtained in the remaining *sthiti* after the first *ṭṭhidi* is obtained. *Sankarma* is obtained in the *jaṇṇao* that is obtained by taking the *ṭṭhidi* *sankarma* in the two-time period of *darśana* *moha* *kṣavaga*. Therefore, the *jaṇṇao* *ṭṭhidi* *udīraṇā* *udaya* and *sankarma* of *mithyātvakī* are obtained as one *sthiti* each. || Jayagho ||
2. What is the reason? Because the *jaṇṇao* *ṭṭhidi* *udaya* is obtained in the *āvali* of time that is obtained in the *āvali* *pāviṭṭha* of the first *ṭṭhidi*. There, *jaṭṭhidi* *udaya* is also one *sthiti*, therefore, it is said that *jaṭṭhidi* *udaya* is also one *sthiti*. || Jayagho ||
3. What is the reason? Because it is obtained as double in the two-time period *ṭṭhidi* of one *ṭṭhidi*. || Jayagho ||
4. From where? From the *pramāṇa* of the *āvali* of time. || Jayagho ||
5. From where? From the *pramāṇa* of the *asaṅkheya*th part of *palyopam*. || Jayagho ||
6. What is the reason? Because, in the *savva* *viśuddha* *bādarei* *diya* *panatta*, the *palyopam* is *asaṅkheya* *bhāga* *parikṣīṇa* *sāgara* *occhama* *mettā* *jad* *aṣṭa* *ṭhidi* *din* *ghaṭṭaṇā*. || Jayagho ||