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[ 6 Vedak-Arthaadhikār
Chaudaaniya vā. 246. Chhannokasāpāṇamanubhāg- Udeeranā desavādī vā savvadhādī vā. 247. Dutthāṇiya vā titthāṇiya vā chautthāṇiya vā. 248. Chadu-sanjalaneṇavaṇokasāyāṇamanubhāg- Udeeranā eh diye vi desavādī hoi.
This is called a deshghāti. It is called local in comparison to the excellent section and one-place in comparison to the inferior section. Samyag-midhyātvaprakriti is the destroyer of samyaktva, therefore it is sarvadhāti and its section is called two-place, because the other three options are not possible. All four sanjvalan and three vedas are sarvadhāti in comparison to the inferior section. And there are also two forms in comparison to the non-inferior and excellent section. This means that from mithyādṛṣṭi to asanayat-samyagdṛṣṭi, the section-udeeranā of the said karma-prakriti is both sarvadhāti and deshghāti due to the cause of saṃkleśa and viśuddhi. But from sanayat-asanayat to the higher gunasthānas, the section-udeeranā is always deshghāti, because it is not possible to have sarvadhāti-rūpa udeeranā there. The meaning of saying that the said prakriti has four place-forms of udeeranā is that when the antarkaran is done in the lower gunasthāna, the section-udeeranā of the said prakriti appears as one-place in the form of a latā according to the rule. From this to the second gunasthāna below, the section-udeeranā is two-place. But in the mithyādṛṣṭi gunasthāna, it is also two-place, three-place, and four-place according to the change in the parināmas. Churnisu. - The section-udeeranā of the six nokapāyas like hāsya etc. is both deshghāti and sarvadhāti. And it is also two-place, three-place, and four-place. || 246 || Special meaning - In the higher gunasthānas like sanayat-asanayat etc., the section-udeeranā of the six like hāsya etc. is deshghāti even when it is two-place. But from this to the sāsadana gunasthāna below, the section-udeeranā is in both forms, deshghāti and sarvadhāti, even when it is two-place. The section-udeeranā of mithyādṛṣṭi is two-place, three-place, and four-place. Churnisu. - The section-udeeranā of all four sanchalana and nine nokapāyas is deshghāti even in a one-indriya jīva. || 248 ||
1 Kudo; antarkaraṇe kade edesimanubhāgodeeranāe piyameṇegaṭṭhāṇiyattada saṇādo. Hetthā savvatyeva guṇapaḍivanneṣu duṭṭhāṇiyattaṇiyamdaṇādo. Micchāiṭṭhimmi duṭṭhāṇ - titthāṇ chautthāṇabhedeṇ pariyattamaṇāṇubhāgodeeranāe daśanādo | Jayadha.
2 Kudo; asanjad-sammāiṭṭhappuḍi hetthā savvatyeva des-savvadhādhibhāveṇede simanubhā godeeranāe utti saṇādo; sajadasajadappuḍi jāv apuvvakaraṇo tti desghādhibhāveṇudeeranāe pauttinīyamta saṇādo
cha. Jayadha.
3 Kuḍho, sajadasajadādi uvarimguṇatṭhāṇeṣu chhannokasāyāṇamanubhāgodeeranāe demaghādi duṭṭhāṇiyattaṇiyam saṇādo | Heṭhimeṣu vi guṇapaḍivanneṣu viṭṭhāṇiyaṇubhāgudeeranāe des savvadhādhiviseṣidār sambhavocala bhādo. Micchāiṭṭhiṭṭhammi vidyāṇ-titthāṇ chautthāṇaviyappāṇam savveṣimeva sabhavādo | Jayadha.
4 Ety deshadhādo ceva udeeranāe hoi ti ṇāvahareya vvam, kintu edesu jīvasamāseṣu savvadhādī