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## 486
## Kasaya Pahud Sutta [6]
**The commentator is explaining the appropriate places for the *asanyata* (uncontrolled) and the *sanyata* (controlled) by stating that there are two types of *sanyata*: *upashamaka* (pacifying) and *kshapika* (destroying). It is impossible to explain both at the same time, so he first explains the appropriate places for the *upashamaka* *sanyata*.**
The *upashamana* (pacifying) refers to the complete pacification of the *mohakarma* (karma of delusion). A being falling from the eleventh *gunasthan* (stage of virtue) to the tenth *gunasthan* in the first moment of time, performs the *apkarpan* (action) of three types of *lobha* (greed). Of these, the *sanjwalana lobha* (burning greed) is given to *udaya* (arising), and the other two *lobhas*, *apratyakhyana* (non-rejection) and *pratyakhyana* (rejection), are placed outside the *udayavali* (stream of arising). At that time, one *sanjwalana lobha* nature enters the *udayavali*.
Later, with the joining of the previously mentioned two *lobhas*, all three *lobha* natures enter the *udayavali*. After the *antarmuhurta* (short interval), the being performs the *apkarpan* of three types of *maya* (illusion). Of these, the *sanjwalana maya* is given to *udaya*, and the remaining two *maya* are placed outside the *udayavali*. At that time, four natures enter the *udayavali*.
Later, with the joining of the three *lobhas* and three *mayas*, six natures enter the *udayavali*. After the *antarmuhurta*, the being performs the *apkarpan* of three types of *mana* (pride). Of these, the *sanjwalana mana* is given to *udaya*, and the remaining two types of *manas* are placed outside the *udayavali*. At that time, three *lobhas*, three *mayas*, and the *sanjwalana mana*, a total of seven natures, enter the *udayavali*.
Later, with the joining of the remaining two *manas*, nine natures enter the *udayavali*. After the *antarmuhurta*, the being performs the *apkarpan* of three types of *krodha* (anger). Of these, the *sanjwalana krodha* is given to *udaya*, and the remaining two types of *krodhas* are placed outside the *udayavali*. At that time, ten natures enter the *udayavali*.
Later, with the joining of the two *krodhas*, twelve natures enter the *udayavali*. After the *antarmuhurta*, the being performs the *apkarpan* of *purushaveda* (knowledge of the self) and the six *nokapayas* (types of karma) like *hasya* (laughter).