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Gatha 58] Exposition of the Ownership of the Transition, Ascent and Descent
449. The transition of that (i.e. the soul) is the utmost decline of the conflagration of anger. 561. At that very time, the utmost ascent (of the soul) takes place. 562. As in the case of the conflagration of anger, so also in the case of the conflagration of pride, deceit and sensual pleasures.
563. Whose is the utmost increase of the conflagration of greed? 564. The Gunasthanakamasika (the soul in the 4th gunasthana) who has pacified the passions thrice in a short period, and in the last birth, having pacified the passions twice, has risen up for destruction, at the time when he has not made the final separation, then the utmost increase of his conflagration of greed takes place. 565. Whose is the utmost decline of the conflagration of greed? 566. The Gunasthanakamasika who, having pacified the passions thrice, is pacifying them in the fourth pacification, at the time when he has not made the final separation at the last moment and has become a deva, the utmost decline of his conflagration of greed takes place on account of the increase of the period of his life as a deva. 567. The utmost ascent is the ownership of the non-renunciation of the obstruction to non-attachment. 568. Whose is the utmost increase of fear and disgust? 569. The Gunasthanakamasika at the time when he is making the complete transition of these two kinds of dispositions.