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## 408
**Kasaya Pahud Sutta [5]**
**Anantaanuvandi and Visanjoida**
A being who has experienced anantaanuvandi and visanjoida, then goes to micchatta, and then again experiences sanjoida, and then attains sammatta, is like a being who has experienced the ocean of existence. Such a being is protected by the sagaropamavechchavatthi. Then, he experiences visanjoida again. At the time of his adhapavattakaran, the anantaanuvandi kshaya experience a jghannya pradesasankama.
**53. Who experiences the jghannya pradesasankama of the eight kshayas?**
**54.** A being who has experienced the jghannya satkarma of ekaindriya, and has attained sanjamasanjam and sanjam many times, and has experienced the upasaman of the kshayas four times, and then goes to ekaindriya, and remains there for countless years until the time-bound upasamaya samya falls away, and then attains sanjam with great ease, and then again strives to destroy the kshayas, experiences the jghannya pradesasankama of the eight kshayas at the time of his adhapavattakaran.
**55.** Similarly, the jghannya pradesasankama of arati and shoka should be understood.
**56.** Similarly, the jghannya pradesasankama of hassa, rati, bhaya, and dugunchha should be understood. The only difference is that the jghannya pradesasankama of these kshayas occurs at the time of the first avali of a being who has entered apuurvakaran, not at the time of his adhapavattakaran.
**57. Who experiences the jghannya pradesasankama of sanjwalan krodha?**
**58.** A being who has experienced the upasamaya of sanjwalan krodha, and whose time-bound upasamaya has fallen away, experiences the jghannya pradesasankama of sanjwalan krodha when he is being pacified.
**102. Atthakshayaasae asumadhuvavandha asthiratige ya, sabbalahu khavanae ahapavattaassa charimmammi.**
**Karmapa. Pradesama. **