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## Chapter 58: Description of the Inferior Transition of the Region
**49.** What is the inferior transition of the region for those who have attained Sammatta (perfect knowledge) and Sammamicchhatta (right aspiration)? **150.** This very being, having gone astray into Mithyatva (false belief), after having gone through countless divisions of the Palyopam (a period of time), and while the last moment of the extreme segment of the inferior karma is being agitated, experiences the inferior transition of the region.
**51.** What is the inferior transition of the region for those who have Anantanubandhi (infinitely connected) karmas? **152.** This being, having come to the Trayas (three worlds) through the action of the karma, attained Samyama (restraint) and Asamyam (unrestraint) many times. Having attained the four stages of the Kshayas (passions) many times, he then came to the Trayas and remained in the Palyopam for countless divisions of time, until the time-bound, liberated from the Upashama (subduing) period, were released. Then, he again came to the Trayas, and attained Sammatta (perfect knowledge) in a very short time.
**Doubt:** What is the inferior transition of the region for the nature of Sammatta (perfect knowledge) and Samyagmithyatva (right false belief)? **49**
**Solution:** This very being, the appropriate Kshapitkarma-ashik (being who is ready to destroy the karma), attains Mithyatva (false belief) (before he is ready to destroy the Darshanamoha (doubt about the right view)). (After that, in a very short time, he begins to agitate the nature of Sammatta (perfect knowledge) and Samyagmithyatva (right false belief), and) after agitating for a period of time equal to countless divisions of the Palyopam, when he agitates the substance of the extreme time of the extreme segment of both these karmas, then he experiences the inferior transition of the region for the nature of Sammatta (perfect knowledge) and Samyagmithyatva (right false belief). **50**
**Doubt:** What is the inferior transition of the region for the Anantanubandhi (infinitely connected) Kshayas (passions)? **51**
**Solution:** The being who came to the Trayas (three worlds) with the inferior good karma suitable for one sense organ, attained Samyama (restraint) and Asamyam (unrestraint) many times there. Having subdued the Kshayas (passions) four times, he then remained in the Trayas for countless divisions of the Palyopam, until the time-bound, liberated from the Upashama (subduing) period, were released. Then, he again came to the Trayas, and attained Sammatta (perfect knowledge) in a very short time, and disengaged from the Anantanubandhi (infinitely connected) karmas. Again, he attained Mithyatva (false belief), and engaged in the Anantanubandhi (infinitely connected) karmas for a very short time, and again attained Sammatta (perfect knowledge).