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English Translation (preserving Jain terms):
Kasāya Pāhuḍa Sutta
[5. Saṃkrama-Arthādhikāra]
"He attained Saṃjama (self-control) and Saṃjamāsaṃjama (mixed self-control and non-self-control) many times. He subdued the four Kasāyas (passions) four times and observed perfect Samyaktva (right faith) for two Sātirekasaḍḍhasāgaropama (sixty-six Sāgaropama periods) durations. Then, he attained Mithyātva (wrong belief), but within an Antarmuhūrta (moment), he regained Samyaktva. Again, he observed Samyaktva up to the limit of Sāgaropama (ocean-like) duration. Thereafter, he made effort for the destruction of Darśanāvaraṇīya (perception-obscuring) karma.
When that soul is in the final stage of Adhahpravṛttakaraṇa (descending conduct), then the minimal manifestation of Mithyātva occurs."
Visesārtha (Special Meaning):
Here, the one who has destroyed the Karmāśika (karmic residue) is the one who, from less than the infinitesimal part of a Palya (vast period of time), has lived in Sūkṣmanigodīya (subtle microscopic beings) and, after performing the minimal Karmasthiti (duration of karma) suitable for the Abhavya (incapable of attaining liberation), was born among the Bādara Pṛthivīkāyika (gross earth-bodied beings) and, within an Antarmuhūrta, died and was reborn among the Pūrvakotika (previous-life) Manuṣyas (humans). There, at the age of eight years, he adopted Saṃyama (self-control) and observed Saṃyama for a duration of less than a Pūrvakotī (previous life) year. As his life was about to end, he attained Mithyātva. Remaining in Mithyātva and Asaṃyama (non-self-control) for the shortest duration, he died and was born among the Devas (celestial beings) with a lifespan of ten thousand years. There, gradually destroying the Moha (delusion) with the Caturupasāmita (four-fold equanimity), he became free from Karmas.