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Gatha 58] Exposition of the Ownership of the Transition of Condition
321. And the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the one who is experiencing the final moment of the last segment of the region is.
64. Whose is the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the flaming rise of anger? 65. It is of the ascetic in whom the flaming rise of anger is experiencing the final moment of the last segment of the region. 66. Similarly, know the ownership of the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the flaming rise of pride, deceit, and male sexual passion. 67. Whose is the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the flaming rise of greed? 68. It is of the ascetic who has one more Avalika period than the maximum. 69. Whose is the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the female sexual passion? 70. It is of the ascetic who is experiencing the final moment of the last segment of the region of the rise and fall of the female sexual passion. 71. Whose is the lowest degree of the transition of condition of the neuter sexual passion? 72. It is of the ascetic who is experiencing the final moment of the last segment of the rise and fall of the neuter sexual passion.