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## Kashaya Pahud Sutta [5]
**162-173.** The thirteen-natured *kshapika* begins the *anupurvi-samkramas* until the *napumsakaved* is exhausted. Then, the twelve-natured *samkramas* occur.
**Or,** the twenty-one-natured *upashamaka* with the six *karmas* pacified and the *purushaved* remaining unpacified, experiences the twelve-natured *samkramas*.
**166.** The twelve-natured *kshapika* with the *napumsakaved* exhausted and the *strived* remaining unexhausted, experiences the three *sanjvalanas* and eight *nokpaayas*, a total of eleven-natured *samkramas*.
**167.** **Or,** the twenty-one-natured *kshayika-samyak-tvi-upashamaka* with the *purushaved* pacified and the remaining *kashayas* remaining unpacified, experiences the eleven-natured *samkramas*.
**168.** **Or,** the twenty-four-natured *upashamaka* with both the medium *krodas* pacified and the *sanjvalana-kroda* remaining unpacified, experiences the eleven-natured *samkramas*.
**169.** The eleven-natured *kshapika* with the *strived* exhausted and the six *nokpaayas* remaining unexhausted, experiences the three *sanjvalanas* and seven *nokpaayas*, a total of ten-natured *samkramas*.
**170.** **Or,** the twenty-four-natured *upashamaka* with the *sanjvalana-kroda* pacified and the remaining *kashayas* remaining unpacified, experiences the ten-natured *samkramas*.
**171.** The twenty-one-natured *kshayika-samyak-tvi-upashamaka* with both *krodas* pacified and the *sanjvalana-kroda* remaining unpacified, experiences the remaining nine-natured *samkramas*.
**172.** This nine-natured *samkramas* does not occur for the twenty-four-natured *upashamaka*.
**Explanation:** The question arises, why does the twenty-four-natured *upashamaka* not experience the nine-natured *samkramas*? The answer is that after the pacification of the *sanjvalana-kroda* in the twenty-four-natured *upashamaka*, when both the medium *nokpaayas* are pacified, the lower *samkramas* arise. Similarly, with the exhaustion of the *strived*, the ten-natured *samkramas* arise.
**1.** **Regarding the *odaramanas*, should the *payadasakamanas* be considered?** **Answer:** This is not considered due to the *desamasava* nature of the *abchhana*. (Jayadharmi)
**2.** **Regarding the *odaramanas*, should the *payadasakamanas* be considered?** **Answer:** This is not considered due to the absence of *virodha*. (Jayadharmi)