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## English Translation:
To make the hidden meaning of the seed-words clear, some examples are presented.
The fourth Mṛlga-gāthā of the Kasaya-pāhuḍa, which describes the Karma-vibhakti, is as follows:
*Payadiye mohaṇijjā vihatti tah dvidīye aṇubhāge.
Ukkassamaṇukkasasam jhiṇamajhiṇam ca ṭhidiyam vā.*
This explains that in the context of Karma-vibhakti, one should describe the nature-vibhakti, the state-vibhakti, the section-vibhakti, the superior-inferior region-vibhakti, the diminished-diminished, and the final state.
The Śāśvatakāra has not described anything further than this brief information regarding Karma-vibhakti. The Cūrṇikāra, considering each verse as a seed-word, has created separate chapters named after the seed-words, describing the nature-vibhakti in 126 sūtras, the state-vibhakti in 407 sūtras, the section-vibhakti in 186 sūtras, the region-vibhakti in 262 sūtras, the diminished-diminished in 142 sūtras, and the final state in 106 sūtras.
In these chapters, which are commentaries on the seed-words, the Cūrṇikāra has provided an initial description of the relevant topics, leaving the burden of further explanation to the Vyākhyānācāryas or Uccāraṇācāryas. If the Cūrṇikāra had described the complete hidden meaning of each seed-word, the number of Cūrṇi-sūtras would have been several thousand. The Uccāraṇācāryas have described the topics that the Cūrṇikāra left for them, and their Uccāraṇa-vṛtti has become a work of 12,000 ślokas. However, the Cūrṇikāra, in keeping with the name "Vṛtti-sūtra," has made his work concise, using meaningful words, and therefore, despite explaining a significant amount of material, his Cūrṇi-sūtras only amount to 6,000 ślokas.
The Cūrṇikāra himself has mentioned the seed-words in his Cūrṇi. For example:
*Sesāṇa pi kammāṇamedeṇa vījapadena ṇedavvam.* (Sthiti 0 Sū 342)
*Sesāṇaṁ kammāṇamedeṇa bījaṣadena aṇumaggidavvam.* (Sthiti 0 Sū 352)
Jayadhavalakāra has mentioned many sūtras in the Kasaya-pāhuḍa-cūrṇi under different names, which can be categorized as follows:
1. **Uthānika-sūtra:** These are the sūtras that provide information about the topic to be discussed further. For example: *Etto suttasamodāro* (Pejjado 0 Sū 87), *Imā aṇṇā parūvaṇā* (Pradesavi 0 Sū 66), *Kālo* (Pradesavi 0 Sū 67), *Antaram* (Pradesavi 0 Sū 108), etc.
2. **Adhikāra-sūtra:** The sūtras given at the beginning of a chapter or anuyoga-dvāra are called Adhikāra-sūtra. For example: *Eho aṇubhāga-vihatti* (Anubhā 0 Sū 1), *Etto padaṇikkhevo* (Sthiti 0 Sū 315), *Etto vaḍḍhī* (Sthiti 0 Sū 327), etc.